Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1683. 551
His Lordsps Ordinance
& bill of Eleccons left
in the vppr house
After the Conference Ended This house
returne to their Owne house haveing first
Deliverd his Lopsps Ordinance and the bill
L. H. Journal
for Eleccons to the vpper house for their further Pervsall
Lower house of Assembly October the 12th 1683
This house desire the vppr house to Take into Consider-
accon the Objections that Capt Orsborne a member of this
house sh[all make] To the places Appoynted for Towne or
Tovvnes in Pocomo[ke River]
[Signed p Order] C. Boteler Cler &c.
Capt Orsborne and Mr fi
The house Adjourne Clocke
The house mett and Called
Then was read
Mr ffrizby prsents to this house the following
message last night sent by him and Capt Ors
Upper house October the 12th 1683
p. 26
Places for Townes altered
In Caecill County
This house for reasones offered by Mr
ffrizby for A[lter]accon of places for
Townes in Caeca County are willing the places be as followeth
1 At Capt Johns Creeke William prices plantaccon In Elck
2 Sassafrass River William ffrisbyes plantaccon
3 Att worton Creeke.
Signd p Ordr Tho: [Grun]win Cler. &c
Capt Orsborne alsoe reports to this house th'the vppr house
desires to Speake with Capt Smith before they Answere to the
matter of in Somrsett County
A proposall Concerning sending
Burgesses from Townes
Proposed by a member of this house
whether any of the places aforesd ap-
poynted for ports &c. Ought to be Enabled to send Burgesses
to the Assembly Till there be a Sufficient number of Inhab-
itants to bear the Charge of such Their Burgesses and whether
a Clause Ought not to be Incerted into the bill for Advance-
ment of Trade to That purpose :
Voted that none of the places Appoynted for ports &c send
Burges till the Inhabitants are Capable of beareing the Charge
and that a Clause be Incerted To that purpose into the bill for
Advancement of Trade.
Then Came Mr Secry Sewall from the vppr house with the
following message