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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 487   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1683. 487

could not Concurr with the Lower house therein and yet not
Differing in true intent of said Bill therefore this house hath
drawn up a New Bill and desires the Concurrence of the
Lower house to the same it not differing in Substance from
what was desired by the Lower house
Signed pr Order Thos Grunwin Cl of Assembly.

They return and say the Lower house are Adjourned for
an hour
This house Adjourned for an hour.
Then Satt again and present as before
Then came Coll Darnall and made Report that he found
the information given to Captain Francis and by him to this
house about the Frenchmen &t was false and without Ground—
An Act for Naturalization of Nicholas Verbraach read and
passed this house.
An Act for Naturalization of Andrew Poulson als Mullock,
Simon Johnston Peter Anleton and Mathias Peterson read and
past this house, and sent to the Lower house by Coll Burgess
who returns having Delivered the Same
Coll Lowe Coll Burges and Mr Secretary Darnall go again
to the Lower house with the Bill of Elections and Message
and return and say they have Delivered the Same-
Major Long from the Lower house for the last Bill of that
house for Electing Burgesses &t the same sent by Mr Secre-
tary Sewall
Coll Digges goes from this house to the Lower house with
this Message

Upper house 26th October 1683
This house received from the Lower house a Message of
the 24th Instant therein Desireing that his Lordship would
Signifie to both houses the Place for Assemblies Provincial
Courts and Offices which this house Conceive his Lordship
cannot so well do, till such time as the Bill for Advancement

U.H. Journal

of Trade be first Settled and past Therefore this house desire
the Dispatch of the said Bill and that it be sent up to this
house, and then this house is well Assured his Lordship will
give Answer to the said Message of the 24th Instant
Signed pr Order Thos Grunwin Cl of Assembly

He returns having Delivered his Message
The Committee of Accounts goe out.
Coll Darnall goes to the Lower house to know if the house
please to Spare Mr Rousby to come to this house To Answer
to his Business of Spernons—
Bill for Regulating Tare of Tobacco hogsheads read the
first time
Committee of Accounts Come in

p. 520

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 487   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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