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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 486   View pdf image
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486 Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1683.

U. H. Journal

Upper house 25th October 1683
Whereas Information hath been given to his Lordship and
this house by Cap: Francis that several Men Deemed to be
Frenchmen about Twenty in Number did lately sett upon one
John Farthing Overseer at Thomas Browns on the North side
of Severn River and were likewise seen near Potapsco River
by one Carrington, Their pretence being said to be That they
hunt for Mr Anthony Demondedier; It is therefore Ordered
by this house, That Coll Henry Darnall and Mr Francis and
six Armed Men along with them which they are hereby
Authorized to press and Boats and horses go forthwith to the
said Demondediers and make the Strictest enquiry they can
of the Number Condition Quality and Intention of the said
Persons and if the said Coll: Darnall and Captain Francis
think it Convenient they are hereby Ordered to bring with
them to this house all or any of the said French men and upon
their refusall to Compell them by force and upon the return of
the said Coll Darnall & Capt Francis they are to make their
Report to this house
Signed pr Order Thos Grunwin Cl of Assembly

p. 519

The house Adjourned till to Morrow Morning 9 a Clock

Friday 26th October 1683 The house Sat again

The Right honourable the Lord Proprietary
The honourable
Coll Henry Coursey Coll William Digges
Coll Thomas Tailler Coll William Burges
Coll: Vincent Lowe Mr Secretary Sewall
Coll William Stevens Mr Secretary Darnall

Then came Mr Clement Hill and Mr Leonard Green with a
Bill from the Lower Entituled an Act for Regulating the Tares
and Abuses in Tobacco hogsheads—
The last Bill of this house for Electing and Summoning
Burgesses read three times in this house and passed and sent
to the Lower house pr Coll Lowe Coll Burges and Mr Secre-
tary Darnall and this Message therewith—

Upper house 26th October 1683
The Lower house of this Assembly Sent to this house the
22d of this Instant Month a Bill for Election and Summoning
of Delegates or Representatives and Burgesses to Serve in
Succeeding Assemblys, which in the Preamble and Some
other parts which wanted a full Explanation thereof this house

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 486   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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