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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 488   View pdf image
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488 Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1683.

U. H. Journal

Capt Smith Mr Hill, Capt Osbourne, and Mr Ennalls from
the Lower house with Another Bill of Elections drawn a New
by the Lower house and this Ensuing Message—

Lower house of Assembly 26th October 1683
In Answer to the Message sent in Writing to this house
this present Day wherein the Upper house desires the Dis-
patch of the Bill for Advancement of Trade till which done
his Lordship cannot so well give Answer to this house to their
Message of the 24th instant touching the Nominating the
Places where Assemblies Provincial Court and Offices are to
be kept, This house doth say that this house did the 2 2d Instant
send to the Upper house Two Bills passed this house to which
this house desired the Concurrence of the Upper house that
so they may be ready for his Lordships Assent to the same in
manner as then Drawn, One of them Entituled an Act touch-
ing the Levying of Warr and Defraying the publick Charges
of this Province, And four Days since having Interveened, this
house have not yet rec'ed any Answer touching the same, The
other a Bill directing the Manner of Electing of Burgesses &t
which Bill the Upper house Rejected and in stead thereof have
sent a New Bill by the Upper house drawn and Assented to,
in which is left out the Preamble which was in Substance no
other than was Agreeable to the preamble of the Bill formerly
sent from the Upper house to this house, and hath nothing in
it Disagreeing from his Lordships Charter and Ordinance
Whereupon this house took the said Bill this Day sent from
the Upper into Consideration but cannot Concurr with the
Upper house in passing the same as now drawn but have
caused a New Bill for Electing of Burgesses to be Drawn and
herewith Sent to which this house doth desire the Assent of
the Upper house as also to the Bill touching the Levying of
Warr &t and Transmitt the same to this house, and if this
house may be Assured his Lordship will give his Assent to
those two Bills; This house shall then readily Consent to the
passing the Bill for Advancement of Trade which hath had its
third reading in this house and wants Nothing but a Vote of
this house for its passing to the Upper house for their Assent
to the Same that so all the three Bills aforesaid may receive
their Virtue and Being by his Lordships Assent to the Same
at one and the same time and then this house shall Chearfully
proceed on in the remainder of the Business before the two
houses to the finishing the same and a happy Conclusion of
this Sessions—

p. 521

Signed pr Order C Boteler Cl of the Lower house of Assembly

Mr Secretary Darnall sent to the Lower house with this

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 488   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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