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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 475   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1683. 475

Lower house of Assembly 18th October 1683
This house cannott Concurr with the Upper house in the
Message of this Day sent to this house by John Darnall Esqr
Concerning a Bill of Attainder against Jacob Young
Signed pr Order C Boteler Cl of the Lower house.

The house Adjourned till to Morrow Morning 9 a Clock

Friday 19th October 1683

The house mett again upon further Consultation of Jacob
Young and present the Same Persons that Sat upon his Tryall,
and this Message thereupon sent to the Lower house by Major
Thomas Trueman Vizt

Upper house 19th October 1683
This house have Seriously Considered of the Tryall of Jacob
Young and of the Evidences that have been Examined against
him and all other Circumstances relating to the Same, Do find
these things following very Clearly proved against him the
said Jacob, That in the Year of Our Lord 1677 when Coll
Henry Coursey was Empowered by Commission from the
Honourable Thomas Notely Esqr Deputy Governor of this
Province and the rest of the Council to go to Fort Albany and
so Negotiate a Peace with the Northern Indians and us his
Majesties Subjects in this Province and for the Pisscataway
Indians at which time he the said Coll Coursey took along
with him the said Jacob Young as Interpreter and when the
said Coll Coursey after his coming to Albany told the said
Jacob that his Commission was to Conclude a peace (if Pos-
sible) for the Good of this Province and also for the Pisscatta-
way Indians; That the said Jacob made Answer; That if he
had known so much before he came thither that the Susque-
hannahs had not to have been Included in that Peace he had
rather have given 20000ll Tobacco than have Come with him,
proved by the Oath of Coll Coursey, and that in the Year
1682 when the Northern Indians Came and Besieged the Piss-
cattaway Fort Coll: Henry Coursey and Coll William Stevens

U. H. Journal

were sent as Agents to the Northern Indians at which time
Jacob went as Interpreter and the said Jacob being required
by the Agents to ask the Northern Indians why they came
down to Warr with the Pisscattaways Contrary to Articles of
Peace Concluded with them in theyear 1677 wherein the Pisscat-
taways were Included at which the said Jacob said Nothing for
some small time But after made Answer that if he had thought
he should have spoke of any such thing to the Northern

p. 511

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 475   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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