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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 474   View pdf image
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474 Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1683.

U. H. Journal

Trade to be twice read have passed the same to Engrossment
but having Answer from the Upper house—That the Ports or
Places desired to be Altered by the Respective Members of
this house could not be done in his Lordships Absence, So
that the Blanks left in the said Bill could not be hitherto filled
filled up, This house Notwithstanding desiring the Dispatch
of all Matters before them have sent up the said Bill as it is to
the Consideration of the Upper house Desiring likewise the
Assent of the Upper house to the Bill for Elections having
Layn so long in the Upper house since the Conference at
which time this house is well assured to have given Sufficient
Reasons for passing thereof—
Signed p Order C Boteler Cl of the Lower house—

Then came from the Lower house Captain Smith & Mr
William Hatton with this Message

Lower house October the 18th 1683
This house desire the Upper house to Appoint Some Mem-
bers of their house to Join in Committee with some Members
of this house to State and Settle the publick Debts and
Accounts of this Province
Signed pr Order C Boteler Cl of the Lower house—

p. 510

Coll Stevens and Coll Digges appointed by this house to
Join with Members of the Lower house in a Committee for
'Settling the Publick Accounts—and this Message Sent by
them to the Lower house

Upper house 18th October 1683
This house have Appointed Coll William Stevens and Coll
William Digges to Ioin with Members of the Lower house as
a Committee for Stating the Publick Accounts who are ready
when ever the Lower house shall Nominate their Members for
that purpose and give Notice to this house that they are ready
to go upon the said Committee as to the Bill of Election of
Burgesses &t there is one Drawn by this house and passed
to Engrossment & when Engrossed shall send the same to the
Lower house-
Ordered that Coll Lowe Mr Secretary Darnall and Coll
George Talbot prepare for this house a Bill for Encourage-
ment of Bringing Money into this Province
The Bill Drawn by this house of Election of Burgesses &t
read the third time and passed this house and sent down to the
Lower house by Coll Stevens and Coll Burgess, they return
and say they have delivered the Same—
Captain Smith Captain Osborn Major Long and Mr James
Frisby from the Lower house with Message as followeth

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 474   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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