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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 476   View pdf image
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476 Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1683.

U. H. Journal

Indians he would rather have given 10000ll of Tobacco than
have come to Interprett upon that Account—
proved by the Oaths of Coll Coursey and Coll Stevens—
And Since his Imprisonment the said Jacob hath Utterred
these words That those that Caused those Irons to be putt
upon his Legs should pay Dearly for it when he was at liberty
proved by the Oath of John Higdon and moreover the said
Jacob spoke that the Susquehannahs were an Innocent People
and that he could make them and the said Northern Indians
do what he pleased; proved by the Oath of Joshua Doyne
These Matters foregoing proved by Christian Evidences, Be-
sides the many things proved before Coll: Coursey and Coll
LLoyd in the last Agency at Fort Albany by the Indians and
We his Majesties Subjects being very Sensible that for Several
Years last past The said Northern Indians mixt with the Sus-
quehannahs made Divers Incursions into this Province and
Committed many Murders & Robberies in it, And this house
having Seriously Considered of the great Influence the said
Jacob hath upon the Susquehannahs and Senniquo Indians and
what a Dangerous person he is to this Government desires
that the Lower house will reassume the Debate touching him
the said Jacob and Join with this house in Voting that the
said Jacob may be Imprisoned during Pleasure of the Right
Honourable the Lord Proprietary and both houses of As-
Signed pr Order Thomas Grunwin Cl of Assembly.

Major Trueman returns having Delivered the same
Then the house Sat as in full house—

The Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary
The honourable
Coll Henry Coursey Coll William Burges
Coll Vincent Lowe Mr Secretary Sewall
Coll: Henry Darnall Mr Secretary Darnall

Coll William Stevens Major Thomas Trueman
Coll William Digges Coll George Talbot

Then came Mr Clement Hill from the Lower house with this

Lower house of Assembly October 19th 1683
This house have Appointed Mr Clement Hill Mr James
Frisby and Mr Richard Hall to Join with Coll William Stevens
and Coll William Digges Members Appointed for a Committee
to State the Publick Debts and Accounts of this Province who
are now ready to go out upon the same
Signed pr Order C Boteler Cl of the Lower house—

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 476   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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