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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 473   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1683. 473

ought to be well Considered of by this house before Judgment
given thereupon—
Ordered that the Sheriff of St Maries County take the
Prisoner away from the Barr and keep him in Safe Custody
and bring him before this house to Morrow Morning Nine
a Clock

U. H. Journal

The house Adjourned till to Morrow Morning 9 a Clock

Thursday 18th October 1683 the house mett again

The honourable
C Coll Henry Coursey Coll William Burges
Coll Vincent Lowe Mr Secretary Sewall
Coll Henry Darnall Mr Secretary Darnall
Coll William Stevens Major Thomas Truman
Coll William Digges Coll George Talbot

The house Adjourned into a Grand Committee to Consider
the Business of Jacob Young where was present the same
Persons which Satt upon the Tryall of the said Jacob, and it
was then Ordered that this Message be sent to the Lower

Upper house October the 18th 1683—
This house having Seriously Considered of the whole tryall
of Jacob Young and of the Witnesses produced against him
and all other Circumstances in Relation to the Same are of
Opinion that the Severall Evidences Sworn against him are
not Sufficient in Law to take away the Life of the said Jacob
or any Member of him, Yet do believe and Certifie hereby
That by several Evidences and Circumstances thereunto
Belonging there Is Sufficient to Imprison the said Jacob during
pleasure, and therefore Desire the Concurrence of the Lower
house in Drawing a Bill of Attainder against him, And that he
may be Imprisoned during the Pleasure of his Lordship and
both houses of Assembly
Signed pr Order Tho Grunwin Cl of Assembly.

The same Sent by Coll Henry Darnall who returns having
Delivered the same
Then the whole house Sat again and present as when first
mett in the Morning
Mr Attorney Genl & Mr Robert Carvile from the Lower
house with this Message—

Lower house of Assembly 18th October 1683
This house having Caused the Bill for Advancement of

p. 509

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 473   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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