Importacdn of all Horses Geldings Mares & Colts, into this :
Province, one Act made att a Genll Assembly held att St Marys
the 10th day of Octobr 1670: Entituled an Act for explanacon
of one Clause in an Act, Entituled an Act Prohibiting the
Importacon of all Horses Mares Geldings & Colts into this
Province, with an Addiccon & an Amendmt therein, one other
Act made the same Assembly Entituled an Act for markeing
High Wayes and makeing the heads of Rivers Creeks branches
& Swamps passable for Horse & foote, one other Act made
the same Assembly, Entituled an Act for stay of Execucons
after Aprill Court, one Act made att a Genll Assembly held att
St Marys the 13th day of Aprill 1674: Entituled an Act Con-
cerning the Impanelling the Grand Inquest in the severall
Countys within this Province, one other Act made the same
Assembly Entituled an Act for the Surveyor Genlls ffees, with
Addiccon of ffees vpon Resurveys & Levying the same, one
other Act made the same Assembly entituled an Act for paymt
of ffees due from Criminall psons, one other Act made the
same Assembly Entituled an Act Concerning those Servts that
have bastards, one other Act made the same Assembly En-
tituled an Act agt Burners of fences, one other Act made the
same Assembly Entituled an Act prohibiting all Masters of
Shipps or vessells or other psons from Transporting or
Carrying away any pson or psons out of this Province without
passes, one Act made att a Genll Assembly held att St Marys
the 12th day of ffebruary 1674: Entituled an act Concerning
what shall bee allowed to Grand Jurys that are sumoned twice
a yeare out of the body of the Province to Attend Provll Courts,
one other Act made att a Genll Assembly held att St Marys the
15th day of May 1676: Entituled an act for secureing Mer-
chants & others Tobacco after they have Received itt, one
other act made the same Assembly Entituled an act Relateing
to the Seizure of Tobacco by the Shreiffe one other act made
Liber W. H.
the same Assembly entituled an act for Publicacon of Mar-
riages, one other Act made the same Assembly Entituled an act
Relateing to Servts & Slaves, one other Act made the same
Assembly Entituled an act touching Coopers & gage of
Tobacco hhds, one other Act made the same Assembly En-
tituled an Act for the Easemt of the Inhabitants of this Province
in suites of Law for small debts, one other act made the same
Assembly Intituled an act for the Constables takeing the List
of Taxables, one Act made the same Assembly Entituled an
act agt the Importacon of Convicted psons into this Province,
one other Act made the same Assembly Entituled an Act for
secureing Creditors one Act made att a Genll Assembly held att
St Marys the 20th day of October 1678: Entituled an act for
Regulateing Ordinarys & Limiting the numbr of them within
p. 197