Liber W. H.
this Province, one other act made the same Assembly Entituled
an act for eleccon of Shreiffs, one other Act made the same
Assembly Entituled an Act for the better Admcon of Justice in
the County Courts of this Province, one other Act made the
same Assembly Entituled an act for Appeales & Regulateing
Writts of Error one other Act made the same Assembly
Entituled an act for keepeing a Register of Births Marriages
& burialls, in each Respective County, one other Act made
the same Assembly entituled an act Imposeing a penalty on
such as shall dispose of Tobacco seized or Received by the
Shreiffs or others, one other Act made att a Genll Assembly
held att the Citty of St Marys the 17th day of Septembr 1681 :
Entituled an Act for ordering & Regulateing the Militia of
this Province for the better Security & defence thereof, one
other Act made the same Assembly Entituled an act for the
better Admcon of Justice in Probate of Wills granting Adm-
stracons Recovery of Legacys & Secureing filiall porcons, one
other Act made the same Assembly Entituled an act for the
speedy bringing to Tryall and Suppressing Criminalls &
Limiting theire Punishmts for Certaine offences when prose-
cuted in the County Courts, one other Act made the same
Assembly Entituled an act for preventing vnneccessary &
vexatious suites att Law, one other Act made the same
Assembly Entituled an Act Restraineing the Exportacon of
Leather & Raw Hides deere & Elke Skinns out of this Prov-
ince for the Incouragemt of Tanners and Shooemakers, One
other Act made att a Sessions of Assembly held att the Citty
of St Marys the Twelfth day of November 1681: Intituled an
act agt Ingrossers & Regraters, One Act made att an Assembly
begunn & held att the Citty of St Marys the 25th day of Aprill
one Thousand Six Hundred Eighty & Two, Entituled an Act
for Incouragement of Tillage and Raiseing Provisions for
Advancement of Trade within this Province, one other Act
made the same Assembly Entituled an Act Limiting the
Expences of the Comissionrs of the County Courts of this
Province, one other Act made the same Assembly Entituled
an Act Assertaineing what damages shall bee allowed vpon
protested Bills of Exchange, The same Acts and every of them
bee and Are heereby Revived and Continued to stand in full
force and vertue, for & dureing the Tearme of Three yeares
or to the end of the next Sessions of Assembly which shall ffirst