Liber W. H.
& with the Advice & Consent of the upper & Lower houses
of this prsent Genll Assembly & the Authority of the same
that one Act made att a Genll Assembly held att S Johns the
17th day of Aprill 1661: Entituled an act for Appointmt of
Certaine officers Excepting the Latter Clause thereof relateing
to Shreiffes which is not Revived, one other Act made the
same Assembly entituled an Act Concerning the Heith of
ffences, one other Act made at the same Assembly entituled an
Act for Conveyance of Letters Concerning the state & Pub-
licke affaires, one Act made att a Genll Assembly held att St
Marys the ffirst day of Aprill 1662: Entituled an Act Con-
cerning Indians, one Act made att a Genll Assembly held att
St Marys the 15th day of Septembr 1663: there Continued
vntill the 3d day of Octobr following, & from thence Adjourned
vntill the 2d Tuesday in Septembr 1664: Ehtituled an Act pro-
hibiting arrests vpon Sabboth days & days of Genll Muster &
Traineing, one other Act made the same Assembly, Entituled
an Act for Amercemts in the Provll & County Courts, one Act
made the same Assembly Entituled an Act Concerning Pro-
ceedings att Law, Except one Clause in the Latter end thereof,
(vizt) soe farr as the Court shall Judge them not Inconsistant
with the Condiccon of this Province, which is not to bee
Revived, one other Act made the same Assembly, Entituled
an Act agt the Exportacon of Wooll & old Iron, one Act made
att a Genll Assembly held att St Marys the 10th day of Aprill
1666: Entituled an Act Prohibiting Trade with Indians for
any flesh dead or alive, Except deere & Wild fowle, one other
act made the same Assembly, Entituled an Act Prohibiting
p. 196
i fforreigne Ingrossers One Act made att a Genll Assembly held
att St Marys the 13th day of Aprill 1669: Entituled an Act for
Limitacon of Certaine actions for avoideing suites att Law, one
Act made the same Assembly entituled an act for Provideing
sufficient ffreight & Carriage for the proper goods & Com-
oditys of his Lordshipp the Lord Propry of this Province & the
Governor of this Province for the time being, one other Act
made the same Assembly Entituled an Act Limiting the
Extent of Attachmts & Provideing what shall bee Levied vpon
Attachmts & Execucons, one other Act made the same Assembly
Entituled an Act provideing what shall bee good Evidence to
prove fforreigne debts, one other Act made att a Genll Assembly
held att S Marys the 27th day of March 1671: Entituled an
Act agt divulgers of false Newes, one other Act made the same
Assembly Entituled an Act agt Hoggstealers, one other Act
made the same Assembly Entituled an act for the Provideing
a Standard with English Weights & Measures in the severall
& Respective Countys within this Province, one other Act
made the same Assembly Entituled an Act Prohibiting the