Assembly Proceedings, April—May 1682. 319
And bring the Coppy of a Lre from my Lord and Councill
to the Governour of New Yorke, Likewise the Answer to the
same from the said Governour to my Lord which were read as
followeth Vizt
St Maries Citty in Maryland March 4th 1681.
L. H. Journal
His Lorpp Lre to the
Governr New Yorke
whome sometime since
Agent at ffort Albany
p. 9
Having lately
by plundering
also murdering
hath given vs
gotten or are
with vs which
serious & deliberate
as in vs lay the
to continue if possible
the as well as the lives and
safe And amongst other
expedients the Effectuall care by your
Goverment eservacon and security of the
Inhabitants of otherwise equally obnoxious to
the Assaults and Attempts of those Notherne Indians with
the people of this Goverment) By affording to those Nothern
Indians a free trade (without which they cann hardly sub-
sist) onely vpon those very termes of keeping peace and
Amity with them Wee from thence tooke Encouragmt and
found our selves obliged to request the like favourable aid
and Assistance from you for and in behalfe of the Inhabitants
of this province a like Subjects to his Maty the King of Eng-
land with those of Delaware and new Yorke That you will
now prohibit any further Correspondence with those Indians
in a way of traffique and supplyes Vnles they will also desist
from any further Acts of hostillity against vs and proceed to
mainteyne and keepe that league of peace and Amity with vs
made Which wee desire and are willing to preserve towards
With this our soe reasonable request which the lives and
prosperities of his Maties Subjects call for at our hands Wee
have Entrusted the bearer Capt Richard Hill (to whome you
may give all faith and Credence) And hope that you will
Vouchafe to Expidite him againe to vs with such a satisfactory
answer herevnto as may not occasion our further Addresses to
the king and Councill and his Royall Highnesse himselfe for
the preservacon of his Maties subjects here from the insolencyes
outrages & Attempts of those Notherne Indians which other-