318 Assembly Proceedings, April—May 1682.
L. H. Journal
Capt Brandt and Mr Stone sent to the Vpper house with the
aforesaid Message—
They returne and say they have delivered the said Message
pressing men &
coming downe
Proposed to this house by a member thereof
That some way may be found out for the Comeing
downe of Delegates of Remote Counties to Assemblyes, there
being noe authority found in any person To presse boates
horses or men for that purpose—
p. 8
Voted necessary
Voted necessary in all Co
have power to presse boate
of the Delegates comi
And that it be
for that purpose—
Vpper house
His Lorrp is hourely Exp
will Consult and Consider of
speech Concerning the
Comunicate to the Lower
in Charge from his Lorpp
perticuler Co: not to
pay their charge
of thr owne Delegates.
County shall pay
Put to the Question whether it shall be
put to the Vote or not, That every perticuler
the charge of their owne Delegates—
Voted in the negative
Adjourned till Nine of the Clock to morrow
ffriday 28th Aprill 1682
The house mett and present as before
Then was read what was done yesterday—
Port duty bill
protested bills exa
The two Bills for port duties, and protested
bills of Exchange by speciall order of the house
to have their second reading this day—
The bill Entituled An Act Explaining an Act concerning
port duty bill read
2d time
port duties and masters of shipps read the
second time and Comitted to the Comittee of
trade for Amendment—
The last clause in the said bill concerning open boates Voted
to be left out of the said bill
Coll Calvert from the Vpper house and
Coll Steevens—