dispatched, am extreamely troubled at the Effusion of Christian
blood and other depradacons in your province which were not
before informed of, and although rumoured vnwilling to
beleive; Hopeing their might be noe truth therein To prevent
which as it hath alwayes bin the care and Endeavour of my
predecessours not onely out of Christian duty but a perticuler
respect wee beare to your province soe in my station shall be
as Dilligent & ready and noe wayes wanting to doe you any
service, there in Assureing you That all his Maties subjects in all
our Leagues and treaties with Indians have had a like equall
Esteeme and wee the same regard for their safety and Defence
as ourselves however Violated. The Notherne Indians whome
you charge to have been the Actors of those mischeifs are soe
numerous farr distant and of soe many severall nations, That
I know not whome to aske satisfaccon of and have litle cause
to thinke the Maquas and Senecas who have hitherto con-
tinued true and keepe their league wth vs, should soe soone
forget that more perticulerly made for you by Coll Coursey
and which I beleived would prove an Effectuall meanes for
future quiet; But rather that they thinke you slight or forget
them none from your parts having been to renew the peace
as is vsuall and Expected by them wee doeing the same yearly
and if duely observed will be of greate benefit and advantage
for the preservacon of peace and