they shall have Sett up or made of any other Timber then
what shall be fallen as aforesaid, One half to the Right Hon-
ourable the Lord Proprietary of this Province; the other half
to him or them that shall sue for the Same in any Court of
Record within this Province wherein no Essoyne protection or
Wager in Law to be allowed And for the Prevention of the
unreasonable great tare of Tobacco hhds of very ill Conse-
quence and Damage to Merchants and Others Traders here-
within this Province and also to avoid others the many incon-
veniencies of too weighty and unseasoned Cask Be it further
Enacted by the said Lord Proprietary by and with the Advice
and Consent afd and the Authority of the Same that from and
after the aforesaid five and Twentyeth Day of September next
No Tobacco hhds or Casks for Tobacco shall be sett up or
made of any other Timber then what is herein before provided,
and the same to be hewn into Staves and heading by the last
Day of Iune in every Year respectively, and when sett up &
finished not to weigh above Eighty pounds pr hhd, and to have
the Same Dimensions as by an Act of Assembly of this Prov-
ince touching Coopers and the Gauge of Tobacco Hogsheads
is already provided under the Penalty of four hundred pounds
of Tobacco for every hhd that shall from and after the said five
and Twentyeth Day of September next be sett up of any other
Timber then what shall be so fallen and hewn as aforesaid or
shall (when Sett up and finished) Exceed the weight of Eighty
pounds as aforesaid to be equally recovered of the Cooper
that sett up the same and of the Person for whom it is Sett
up or either of them at the Choice of the Party grieved, the
one half to the Lord Proprietary the other half to the Informer
or him or them that shall Sue for the Same, Provided always
that it is nevertheless the true intent & meaning hereof that
neither this Act nor any thing herein Contained shall be taken
or Construed to take Advantage of any Person whatsoever for
Setting up of Casks for this ensuing Crop with other Timber
than what shall be fallen by the last Day of April and hewn
into Staves and heading by the last Day of Iune (as by this
Act is required) the said last Day of April being now already
at hand, but that it shall Suffice and may be Lawfull for any
Person to fall his Timber for Toba Hogsheads by the last Day
of Iune next (and not after) wherewith his Tobacco hhds for
this next Ensuing Cropp may be made and Sett up Provided
U. H. Journal