U. H. Journal
by and with the Advice and Consent of the Upper and Lower
houses of this present General Assembly, and the Authority of
the Same; That from and after the Twentyeth Day of Iuly
next Ensuing no Planter Merchant or other Inhabitant of this
Province shall presume to false pack any Hogshead of Tobacco
by putting therein, any Rotten frost bitten, Ground Leaves, or
Seconds or worse Trash in the Middle or any part of the hogs-
head than what is in the head and plain View of the Hogshead
under the Penalty of having every Such Hogshead of Tobacco
So falsed Packed as aforesaid burnt by the Sheriff or other
Publick Officer of the Provincial or County Courts where the
same shall be Condemned And one thousand pounds of
Tobacco for every such hhd, to be paid, the Moiety or One
half thereof to the right Honourable the Lord Proprietary of
this Province, the other half to the informer or him or them
that shall Sue for the Same to be recovered in any Court of
Record within this Province wherein no Essoyn Protection or
Wager of Law shall be Allowed, and to the End it may be
Ascertained what shall be good Evidence to prove any such
fraud in false Packing as aforesaid and to prevent if Possible
all manner of Niceties or Evasions to avoid the Penalty thereof
Be it also Enacted By the right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary by and with the Advice & Consent aforesaid, and the
Authority of the Same that it shall and may be Lawfull for
every Merchant, Planter, Factor, Receiver or other Person of
what Degree or Quality soever Employed to receive Tobacco
within this Province for himself or others having with him one
Witness besides himself to Draw out of any hhd of Tobacco
Tendered him in payment four Samples, two whereof to be
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kept by himself and the other two by the Other Person with
him till the next Provinciall or County Court and the same
proved by the Severall and respective Oaths of each Person
before the Iustices of either Provincial or County Court (at the
Choice of the Receiver or party Grieved) shall be taken and
Allowed of as Good Evidence for the Conviction of any Person
herein Delinquent according to the Tenor of this Act herein
before Expressed And be it likewise further Enacted by the
right Honourable the Lord Proprietary by and with the Advice
and Consent aforesaid and the Authority thereof, that from &
after the five and Twentyeth Day of September next Ensuing.
all Merchants, Traders, Planters Overseers or others Inhab-
itants of this Province making any Crops of Tobacco shall
provide and Cause to be fallen by the last day of April at the
furthest in every year Respectively all such Timber as shall be
intended or allotted for making Tobacco hhds to the End that
the same may be well Seasoned under the Penalty of four hun-
dred pounds of Tobacco forfeiture for every Hogshead he or