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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 271   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, April—May 1682. 271

3dly That then no Nation (not even the Northern Indians
themselves) will ever trust Us more, and the Nanticokes and
Eastern Shore Indians must follow the Example of the Pisscat-
taways; after which we shall be left as friendless as faithless,
and utterly unable to deal with this Sckulking Enemy that
Warrs only by Surprize
Signed pr Order of the Committee
John LLewellin Clerk

The Approbation of this house thereunto was thus Sub-
scribed Vizt

Upper house 5th May 1682—
Read and Aproved by this house, Recommended to the
Consideration of the Lower house
Signed pr Order J LLewellin Cl of Assembly

U. H. Journal

May the 5th 1682
Voted in this house that the Lower house be desired to Ioin
with this house in preparing a Bill for opening Trade with the
Indians as is done in Virginia and other Parts of America to
be Managed by Such Persons Inhabitants of this Province
only as shall be empowered by Licence from his Lordship to
the End that all Jealousy may be removed from between the
Indians and us and that we may not Still appear Contemptible
to them above other Places—
Signed pr Order Iohn LLewellin Cl of Assembly

Which Vote together with the Report of the Committee
foregoing, and David Iones.s Petition recommended to the
Consideration of the Lower house Sent to the Lower house
by Coll: William Stevens and Coll: Thomas Tailler—
Coll: Tailler and Coll: Stevens return from the Lower house
and this house proceed to hearing the Bills before them which
are Voted be read
But first his honour the Chancellor moves to be Informed
whether or no this house had Assented at any time to the
repeale of an Act of Assembly Allowing him Twenty thousand
pounds of Tobacco for Copies of the Laws Transmitted to the
Severall and respective Counties of this Province for that he
understood the Lower house had Voted him no Allowance for
the Laws past the last Sessions he Queries therefore if he may
not Debate the Same in the Lower house. Voted that his
Honour is free so to do and that the same never was yet Dis-
puted in this house
Mr Kenelm Cheseldyne and Captain Henry Smith from the
Lower House Come and present to this house a Bill Entituled

p. 399

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 271   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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