U. II. Journal
an Act for Encouragemt of Sowing and making of Hemp and
flax within this Province which having Delivered they return
to their house
The said Bill read the first time in this house and Voted a
Second reading in Course
The Bill Ascertaining what Damages shall be Allowed upon
Protested Bills of Exchange read the Second time, and this
house are of Opinion that 15 pr Cent allowed by the said Bill
is too little in such Cases considering the time the Credr must
be out of his Principall, Voted that 20 pr Cent with Costs is
but reasonable, and with that Amendment this house will pass
the Bill
The Bill Explaining the Act concerning Port Dutys and
Masters of Ships read the Second time—
Voted that the Qualifications of Ships &c. be particularly
Expressed by Ships or Vessels Built in and Properly Belonging
to this Province—
Voted also that the Lower house be desired to Explain them-
selves in Point, of Ships Dutys whether or no they intend
thereby to cutt of the Officers fees for taking Bonds required
by Act of Parliament &t The fourteen pence pr Tonn; or his
Lordships imposition of two Shillings pr hhd Settled on him
by Act of Assembly whether all or either or which of these
whereof this house desire to be rightly informed, and to have
the Same (if not so intended) plainly in Explicite words
Expressts in the Act before it can pass this house.
p. 400
Brought into this house the following paper which was
Ordered to be Read Vizt
There was about two Days agoe a new Cannoe full of
Indians at the North point of Potapsco, and there was a boy
went to look after Cattle, and his Dog run out and bayed at a
Squirrel, and it is Supposed that the said Indians thought that
some English was coming upon them which made them take
over a Creek within the North point it being a little before
Sun going down, the next Morning I with Some others went
out to know what they were, and their Business but we could
not See them, nor no Sign of them it is thought that they are
Evilly intended by theire carriage, and that they are the Same
Indians that did the Murder at Point look out last year; for
they were first Discovered last year here before that they did
the Murder there, thou may please to inform the Inhabitants
about them, The said Indians was seen by Several of the
North point People when they went over the abovesaid Creek
and there is now this Morning gone out a Party of Men to
make a further Discovery, and to know what the said Indians
are but as yet I have not heard any thing what they have Dis-
covered; nought else but my Love
The 29th of 2d Month 1682. Charles Gorsuch—