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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 270   View pdf image
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270 Assembly Proceedings, AprilMay 1682.

U. H. Journal

Such as his Lordship shall appoint who may upon the Appear-
ance of the Northern Indians mildly acquaint them that the
Design of the English Arms is not to Offend them, but to keep
the Pisscattaways and them from killing one the other, till such
time as our Agents at New York shall have procured peace for
us and all Our Neighbour Indians
That the Eastern Shore Indians be Supplyed with Ammuni-
tion if they desire it & those in Authority there think fitt, not

p. 398

That frequent Musters and Appearances in Arms of Our
English be Made on the Western Side the Bay Especially, and
in Cecil County, and that the Military Officers Instructions and
Commission for a Defensive Warr be Continued against the
Northern Indians
That if the Peace with the Northern Indians cannot otherwise
be Procured for Our Neighbour Indians at Pisscattaway and
the rest of Our friend Indians on both Sides the Bay, that the
Governor of New York be pressed to Deny the Northern
Indians Trade unless they will hold Peace with us, and all Our
Neighbour Indians on both Sides the Bay, and that in that
Case it be Urged that they cannot in reason deny it to us,
Since they deny the Omeydes and Onondagoes Trade unless
they will keep Peace with the Sinnondowanues and So force
those Nations to peace though out of the reach of their Arms
And further in Case they deny Trade to the Indians as afore-
said but upon the Terms aforesaid, that they be informed that
his Majesties Subjects in Virginia as well as Maryland will
Suffer by the Passage of those Northern Indians to Warr with
the Indians under his Majesties Protection in Virginia as well
as with the Indians in Maryland, And that in that Case we
must apply Ourselves to his Royal Highness (if in England) or
to his Majesty and Council
These things we hope will appear reasonable to both houses
when they Consider
First That the Pisscattaways became Enimies to the Sus-
quehannahs meerly upon the Score of Articles made with the
Honourable Leonard Calvert Esqr at first, and after by Assisting
us against them in the year 1676. That tis the remnant of the
Susquehannahs that engage those Northern Nations with whom
they are now Incorporated to revenge thereupon the Pisscatta-
ways minding them that the Pisscattaways formerly killed
Some of the Northern Indians at Ann Arundell and St Maries,
because those Northern Indians had Murdered English in
Potapsco and other places, and rendered the Pisscattaways
Suspected to us
2dly That if we Abandon the Pisscattaways they must incor-
porate with the Northern Indians, and in that Case become
another Enraged Enemy with the Susquehannahs

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 270   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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