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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 269   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, AprilMay 1682. 269

An Act Limitting the Expences of the Comrs of the County
Courts of this Province—
An Act for Encouragement of Tillage and raising Provisions
for Advancement of Trade within this Province—
All read in this house and Voted a Second reading to Mor-
row Morning—
This house Adjourns till to Morrow Morning 9 a Clock—
The Committee going to Sett—

May the 5th 1682 Upper house mett—

The Honourable
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancr Coll: Vincent Lowe
Collonel Thomas Tailler Coll William Stevens

Ordered by this house that no Ordinary Man presume to
Charge the Publick faith with any thing Sent out of their
house to any private Mans house or Chamber
Voted that the above Order be Affixed to the Wall in Some
Place of Mr Vansweringens house to the End the same may
be publickly known and taken Notice of
The Committee being ready to Sitt this house adjourns for
two hours

After two hours this house again mett—
Present as before.

The Report of the Committee brought into this house is
read & Approved of by the Unanimous Vote of this house
being as followeth Vizt

May the 4th 1682.
The Committee of both houses of this Present General As-
sembly appointed to Consult of the. ways and Means to
preserve the Province in case it be Invaded by the
Northern Indians (being the Chief Business Recom-
mended to the two houses by his Lordship at the
Opening the Assembly) Offer this as their Advice and
Report (Vizt) —
That Some Members be sent to New York to treate with all
the Northern Nations of Indians, and to make peace for Our
Selves and all Our Neighbour Indians on both Sides of the
Bay of Chesepeake
That the Pisscattaway Indians be protected in the meantime
with Arms Ammunition and Men (if need require) and that
those Men be Commanded by Some Moderate Discreet Person

U. H. Journal

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 269   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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