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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 268   View pdf image
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268 Assembly Proceedmgs, AprilMay 1682.

U. H. Journal

p. 39!

Indians Plundering his house in September last which was
read and thus Endorsed Vizt

Upper house 4th May 1682
The Lower house is Desired to take this Petition into their
Consideration this house being willing to Concurr with any
reasonable Allowance they shall think fitt to make the Peti-
Signed pr Order Iohn LLewellin Cl of Assembly—

A Message from the Lower house by Mr Carvile Mr Coode
Mr John Rousby and Coll: William Burgess
Mr Carvile Delivers their Charge as followeth Vizt
That the Lower house had perused and Seriously Debated
the Bill Sent them by this house concerning the unreasonable
Tares of Tobacco hhds and false Package of Tobacco wherein
they thought some Alterations & Amendments Necessary and
accordingly Committed the Same to a Select Number of their
Members appointed Committees for the review and Examina-
tion thereof, who had likewise Drawn up a New Bill to the
Same Effect with Such Alterations and Amendments as the
Conceived Necessary, and presented to their house upon full
Consideration and Debate whereof they found so many Incon-
veniencies and Dangers that Masters of families and Others
might Incurr by their Overseers and Servants in the Negligent
Careless or Voluntary ill Management of their Crops, that they
at last Concluded wholly to Suspend the Bill unless this house
would Consider of Some Expedient to remedy those evills and
lett a Bill be drawn accordingly, and then their house would
readily take the Same into their further Debate, but to lett this
house See they had not been idle or Slighted the Debate
thereof they now returned the Bill Drawn up by this house as
also the other Drawn up by their Committee; Neither of
which they Conceived Sufficiently Provided against the many
Inconveniencies and of Evill that are Necessary Con-
sequences thereof
They Likewise present to this house Severall Bills to which
they desire the Assent of this house and they return to their
own house—
The Bills are Vizt
An Act Ascertaining what Damages shall be Allowed on
Protested Bills of Exchange
An Act Explaining an Act concerning Port Duties & Masters
of Ships
An Act for the Encouragement of making Linnen & Woollen

Cloth within thia Province---

An Act for Naturalization of Mathew Eareckson and Albert

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 268   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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