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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 262   View pdf image
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262 Assembly Proceedings, AprilMay 1682.

U. H. Journal

Which Oath was accordingly Administred to and taken by
Mr Thomas Grunwin Clerk of the Lower house and the same
returned again to the Lower house by the same Messengers
thus Subscribed Vizt

April 26th 1682 Sworn in the Upper house
Signed pr Order pr John LLewellin Cl of Assembly—

This house then proceed further to Debate and Consider of
the Act for preventing the unreasonable Tare of Cask and the
Title thereof is thus Altered Vizt
An Act Prohibiting the unreasonable Tare of Hogsheads
and for punish: false Package of Tobacco—
And as to the first Article concerning the falling the Timber
by the last of April every Year for Tobacco hhds Voted that
the same take force from & after the 25th Day of September
next under the Penalty of 400ll Tobacco for every hhd that
shall be made of any other Timber then what shall be fallen as
And as to the Second requiring Coopers to hew Such
Timber so fallen as aforesaid into Staves and heading by the
last Day of Iune in every year respectively Voted that the same
also take force from and after the said 25th Day of September
next under the Penalty of 400" Tobacco for every hhd that
shall be made of any other Timber than what shall be hewn
out into Staves and heading by the time Limitted to be equally
recovered of the Cooper that Setts them up and the person for
whom the Same are Sett up or either of them

p. 392

As to the third relating to the Tare of the Cask not to
Exceed Eighty pounds weight the same to be under the same
Penalty of 400ll Tobacco and to be equally recovered of the
Cooper and Planter or either of them as aforesaid
As to the fourth relating to the false packing of Tobacco
Voted that the same Continue under the penalty of one
thousand pounds Tobacco as in the said Article is first
Expressed and that this Article relating to false packing
Tobacco take force from and after the 30th Day of Iuly next
under the aforesaid Penalty, and the Hogshead of Tobacco be
also Burnt as in the said Article is also before Expressed
Voted also that all fines in this Act Contained shall be pay-
able one half to the Lord Proprietary the other half to the
Informer or him or them that shall Sue for the Same
And to prove the Breach of this Act, Voted that any Peron
going to receive Tobacco having in his Company one Person
more shall draw out of any hogshead tendered him in pay
four Samples two whereof he shall keep himself in his own
Custody and other two he shall deliver to the other person

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 262   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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