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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 263   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, AprilMay 1682. 263

with him by him also to be kept, which produced and proved
by the Oaths of both Said Parties before the Iustices of the
Provincial or County Court shall be Good Evidence to prove
the Breach of that Clause of this Act which relates to false
packing of Tobacco
The said Act to be Triennial or to the End of the next
General Assembly which should first happen
An Act was accordingly drawn up read once in this house
and Voted a Second reading to Morrow Morning
The house thereupon Adjourns till to Morrow
Morning 9 a Clock

April the 27th 1682 Upper house mett

The honourable
Philip Calvert Esqr Chanr
Wm Calvert Esqr Principl Secrry Coll: Wm Stevens
Colonel Thomas Tailler— J Wm Digges Esqr

The Bill Prohibiting the unreasonable Tares of Cask and for
punishing false Package of Tobacco again read, and thereupon
Moved that the thirtieth Day of April being now at hand the
time Limitted for falling Timber for Tobacco Hogsheads can-
not Possibly take Effect for this next Ensuing Crop, Voted
that a Proviso be therefore made in the latter end of the said
Act, Limitting the time for falling Timber for Tobacco hhds for
this next Crop to the last of Iune next and not further, the
said hhds having Suitable Dimentions and not Exceeding the
weights (when sett upp) in the said Bill already Provided
Which Proviso being accordingly added to the said Bill,
it was again read in this house and Voted to be Jngrossed
A Message from the Lower house by Capt Randolph
Brandt and Mr Iohn Stone Contained in this following Paper

U. H. Journal

Lower house of Assembly 27th April 1682
This house desires to know if the Upper house have any
thing to Communicate to this house from the Right honourable
the Lord Proprietary or from themselves in relation to the
Northern Indians in regard his Lordship was pleased to Speak
to that Purpose in his Speech
Signed pr Order Thomas Grunwin Cl of the Lower house of

To which this house returned Answer they will send by
Members of their own, Capt Brandt and Mr Stone being

p. 393

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
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