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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 261   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, AprilMay 1682. 261

This house take into Consideration the Business recom-
mended to their Charge by his Lordship in his Speech Yes-
terday, and resolved that the Same be Distinctly Considered
of by every particular Member of this house so as to be
reduced into Order to the end that they may have their
reasons and Motives ready to Offer to the Lower house when

the Same shall fall in Debate between them

Voted in this house that an Act be drawn up for preventing
the unreasonable tare of Cask and false packing of Tobacco,
wherein provision to be made Vizt
1 That all Planters be required to take care that all their
Timber for Staves and heading of Tobacco Hogsheads be
fallen by the last Day of April in every Year at furthest under
a Certain Penalty
2 That no Cooper presume to Sett up any Tobacco hhd but
with Such Timber as aforesaid, and that to be hewn into Staves
and heading- by the last of Iune at furthest with due regard
had to the Gauge of the Cask already Provided in An Act of
Assembly of this Province for that purpose under a Penalty also

U. H. Journal

3d. That no Tobacco Hogshead when fully finished shall
Exceed the weight of Eighty pounds under a certain Penalty
to be Inflicted on the Planter & Cooper Equally
4 That no Planter presume to false pack any Tobacco by
putting therein any frost bitten Ground leaves or Seconds or
Worse Tobacco in the Midle about or in any part of the hhd
then is at the head in open view, under a Penalty of having
every hhd of Tobacco so false packt as aforesaid burnt by the
Sheriff or other publick Officer and the Delinquent also to
forfeit one thousand pounds of Tobacco for every such Default
one half to the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary the
other half to the Informer or who shall Sue for the Same
A Message from the Lower house by Mr Robert Carvile
and Mr John Coode they bring with them the form of an
Oath which they desire may be Administred by this house to
the Clerk of their house whom they had brought with them to
that Purpose the Oath being as foil Vizt

The Oath ot the Clerk ot the Lower house.

J: T: G: do Swear that I will faithfully Serve the Lord Pro-
prietary & the Lower house of Assembly in the Office of
Clerk of the said Lower house During my Continuance in the
said Office, and that I will faithfully and Truly to the best of
my Skill cunning and knowledge enter and Record the Orders
Rules and Proceedings of the said house, and that I will not
Divulge or Discover any the Debates or proceedings of the
said house without Order of the sd house to any Person or
Persons whatsoever unless to a Member of the said house.
So help me God and the Contents of this Book—

p. 391

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 261   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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