Maryland, & of theire deputys & delegates in a Certaine
Assembly held att St Marys the seauenteenth day of Sep-
tember last past & adjourned vntill the ffirst day of
Novembr following, Wee haue made & enacted seuerall
Laws (viz')
An act for Reviveing the Temporal
Laws of this province./
Bee itt enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Propry
by & with the advice & Consent of the vpper & Lower houses
of this prsent Genll Assembly & the authority of the same, that
one Act made att a Genll Assembly held att St Johns the 17th
day of Aprill one Thousand six hundred sixty & one,Entituled
an Act for appointmt of Certaine officrs (excepting the Latter
Clause thereof relateing to Sherriffes which is not to bee
revived) one other Act made the same Assembly entituled an
act Concerning the Heith of ffences, one other Act made the
same Assembly, entituled an Act for Conveyance of all Letters
Concerning the state & publicke affaires, one other Act made
att a Genll Assembly held att St Marys the ffirst day of Aprill
one Thousand six Hundred sixty & Two, entituled an act
Liber W. H.
Concerning Jndians, one other Act made att a Genll Assembly
held att St Marys the fifteenth day of Septembr one Thousand
six hundred sixty & Three, there Continued till the Third day
of octobr ffollowing & from thence adjourned till the Second
Tuesday in Septembr one Thousand six hundred sixty & ffour
entituled an act prohibiting arrests vpon the Sabboth dayes &
days of Genll Musters, & Trainings, one other Act made the
same Assembly entituled an Act for Amerciamts in the Provll
& County Courts, one other act made the same Assembly,
entituled an act Concerning proceedings att Law (excepting
one Clause in the Latter end thereof vizt soe farr as the Court
shall Judge them not inconsistant with the Condicon of the
Province (which is not to bee Revived, one other act made
the same Assembly entituled an Act agt the exportacon of
Wooll & old Iron, one Act made att a Genll Assembly held att
St Marys the Tenth day of Aprill one Thousand Six hundred
sixcy & six, entituled an Act prohibiting Trade with Indians
for any flesh dead or aliue except deere or Wild fowle, one
other Act made the same Assembly, entituled an act prohib-
iting fforreigne Ingrossrs one Act made att a Genll Assembly
held att St Marys the Thirteenth day of Aprill, one Thousand
six hundred sixty & nine, entituled an Act for Limitacon of
Certaine accons for auoideing suites att Law, one other Act
made att the same Assembly, entituled an Act for the provide-
ing of sufficient freight & Carriage for the proper goods &
Comoditys of his Lordspp the Lord Propry of this Province, &
p. 186