246 Assembly Proceedings, November 1-12, 1681.
Liber W. H.
the Governor of this Province for the time being, one other
Act made the same Assembly, entituled an act Limiting the
extent of Attachmts & provideing what shall bee Leavied vpon
Attachmts & execucons, one other Act made the same As-
sembly, entituled an act provideing what shall bee good
euidence to prove fforeigne debts, one Act made att a Genll
Assembly held att St Marys the Seauen & Twentieth day of
March one Thousand Six hundred Seauenty & one, entituled
an Act agt divulgrs of false News, one other Act made the same
Assembly, entituled an act agt Hoggstealers, one other Act
made the same Assembly entituled an act for the provideing a
Standard wth English weights & measures, in the seuerall &
Respectiue Countys within this Province, one other Act made
the same Assembly, entituled an act prohibiting the Impor-
tacon of all horses, Geldings, Mares, or Colts, into this Prov-
ince, one act made att a Genll Assembly held att St Marys the
Tenth day of octobr one Thousand six hundred seauenty &
one, entituled an Act for explanacon of one Clause, entituled
an Act prohibiting the Importacon of all horses Mares Geld-
ings & Colts into this Province with an Addiccon & Amendmt
therein, one other Act made the same Assembly entituled an
Act for markeing High ways and makeing the Heads of
Riuers Creekes branches & Swamps passable for Horse &
ffoote, one other Act made the same Assembly entituled an
Act for stay of Execucons after Aprill Court, one Act made
att a Genll Assembly held att St Marys the Thirteenth day of
Aprill one Thousand six hundred seauenty & ffour, entituled
P. 187
an Act Concerning the Impanelling the Grand Inquest, in the
seuerall Countys within this Province, one other Act made the
same Assembly, entituled an act for the Surveyor Genlls ffees
with Addicon of ffees vpon Resurveys & for Leavying the
same, one other Act made the same Assembly, entituled an
Act for the paymt of ffees due from Criminall persons, one
other Act made the same Assembly, entituled an Act for Lim-
iting accons agt the Surveyor Genll of this Province, one other
Act made the same Assembly entituled an Act Concerning
those Servts that haue Bastards one other Act made the same
Assembly entituled an act agt burners of ffences, one other
Act made the same Assembly entituled an Act Prohibiting all
Mastrs of Shipps or vessells or any other persons from Trans-
porting or Carrying away any person or psons out of this
Province without passes, one Act made att a Genll Assembly
held att St Marys the Twelfth day of ffebry one Thousand Six
hundred Seauenty & ffour, entituled an Act Concerning what
shall bee allowed to the Grand jurys that are sumoned Twice a
yeare out of the body of the Province to attend Provll Courts,
one other Act made att a Genll Assembly held att St Marys the