house that he cannot reasonably impose upon the Secretary
the Entering of Certificates &c: according to the Tenour of the
Act within the time Limitted by reason of Conditional War-
rants often Granted but for the Rational Clause relating to
the Clerk of the Council he shall for the future be Contented
with a fee of five Shillings or one hundred pounds of Tobacco
for a Petition &t as is Expressed in the Bill and no more, the
rest of the Laws were Assented to by his Lordship thus
We will these to be Laws C: Baltimore
They passed the Seal thus Subscribed—
Passed under the great Seal of this Province 12th November
Philip Calvert Chancellor.
His Lordship proceeds to lett the Lower house know that
the payment of the Souldiers which are now Allowed in this
Act. was his Motive for Calling this Assembly—
And Prorogued the same till the last Tuesday in April next.
pr John LLewellin Cl of Assembly—