L. H. Journal
Rating the prizes of liquors wilbe short of
the Lower howse to Resume the debate
wellyn Clerke of the Assembly
full howse.
Mr H to acquainte them that this howse will
A Retorne
whilst Munday morning nine a clock.
The howse appeare Except the absents before.
Coll Burges comes into the howse & being called to an
account by Mr Speaker, for not attending the howse before, he
Submits himself to the howse prtends himself Jgnorant of the
pclamacon, his being newly arived out of England, had not
then beene at home nor seene his wife & Children
humbly craves the howses Excuse.
The howse admits of his Excuse, and takes his place accord-
The Comittee appointed to veiw the state howse.Exhibite
their Report (vizt)
October the 1678.
The Comitt & apointed to veiw the State howse &
to puse the Act & Capt Quigley & considder effec-
tually whether the same be pformed exactly accord
& make their Report to this howse in writing.
Also to may partitions or Chimneys be made ac-
cording to the Gournor & Cou This Comittee having
veiwed the sayd state howse and having consider
matters and things comitted to their Charge doe make their
Repo eth (vizt)
1 They finde the state how tive in this that the
Lower ffloore of the sayd state howse and the Po not
paved with fflat paving stone according to the direccons in the
2 They finde the sayd state howse defective for that their
wanteth Benches in the Porch.