And thereupon this cannot Recede from their
former vo
Coll Burges & Major Weekes Sent upp howse with
the said message
They retorne.
Some debate being had about Capt Quigleys petition wherein
he offers to build more to the state howse & Chimneys &c
Mr Rowsby & Mr Cheseldyne Sent to the upp howse to desire
to Know what Ground belongs to the state howse.
They Retorne
Came the Survr Genrall from the upp howse with this pap
Upp howse of Assembly October the 28th 1678.
The Lower howse having given no satisfaction nor shewed
any Reason to this howse wherefore they will not from
their former vote, this howse desire to conferre with the Lower
cerning the same, & desire they will in ordr thereunto
attend this how ternoone.
Signed Lewellyn Clerke of the Assembly
Mr Adams & Capt Henly howse to acquainte them
that this howse will attend them oone in conference.
They Retorne.
An Act for lyable to Execucon read once.
A pposall of
That the upp howse be at the Comission of the Jus-
tices of the County Courts be inlarged so tha may
have full power to heare & determine all Civill cawses what-
soever whether accons of debt, Trespas, Trover &c without
any limitacon of any s whatsoever or with lymitacon
of Tenne