they are within Like Reasons, soe they are vnder Like Law
with Infant Executors
6: That euery female orphan shall bee accounted of ffull age
to Receiue estate att the age of Sixteene yeares or day of
Marriage which shall ffirst happen.
7: That all Negroes & other Slaues after the Transmitting
of the estate to the County Court as aforesaid shall bee
appraised to the Gaurdians or Trustees & bee prserved by
them & bee Imployed to the said Gaurdians or Trustees vse
& benifitt, & the Like number of Slaues & of Like ability of
body Retourned to the said orphans out of theire Increase, (if
any bee) att theire full age by this Law Limited, & if any of the
said Slaues bee growne aged or otherwise Impotent or bee
Lamed, & that the Increase will not make the originall Stocke
good as to number & ability of body that then they shall
againe bee Appraised by the County Courts, & the Gaurdians
or Trustees shall pay to the said orphans soe much mony or
Tobacco as the County Courts shall Judge the orphans stocke
of Negroes then to bee of Lesse value then they were of att
the time of theire ffirst Appraisemt & deliuery of the said
Slaues to the said Gaurdians or Trustees Butt in Case noe
Gaurdian or other person will vpon these Termes accept of
these Slaues, then itt shall bee Lawfull for the said seuerall &
Respectiue County Courts to putt the Slaues out vpon any
other Termes & to any other persons soe that the said originall
stocke of Slaues bee not sold nor any of theire Increase, butt in
the best manner that may bee prserved for the orphans till
they come to theire seuerall ages by this Act limited &
appointed To the intent they may haue theire ffirst stocke
made good to them in number value & Ability of body, if itt
may bee.
Liber W. H.