198 Assembly Proceedings, August—September 1681.
Liber W. H.
County Court, butt that the said orphans shall bee mainetained
& Educated by the Interest of theire estates & Increase of
theire Stockes, soe farr forth as the said Interest & Increase
will extend, butt if the estates bee soe small that itt will not
extend to a free Educacon, such orphan shall bee bound
Apprentice to some Handicrafte Trade or other person att the
discreccon of the County Court, vntill one & Twenty yeares
of age except some Kinsman or Relacon or other Charitable
person will mainetaine them for the Interest of the small estate
they haue, without any diminicon of the Principall which shall
alwayes bee deliuered to the orphans att the yeares heere-
after in this Act Limited & appointed. Provided alwayes that
noe orphan shall bee putt into the handes of any person of a
different Judgemt in Religion to that of the deceased Parents
of the said orphans.
3: That all Catle Horses & Sheepe shall bee Retourned in
kind by the Gaurdians or other persons Intrusted with orphans
Estates, (that is to say) soe many Horses Catle & Sheepe as
they Receiued & of the same age as the Cattle Horses &
Sheepe were of att the time they were deliuered to the Gaurd-
ian or Trustee of the orphan.
4: That all mony Plate, Rings, & Jewells bee prserved &
not vsed by the Gaurdian or Trustee, & deliuered in kind to
the orphans when they Come to age, & that all household
stuffe & Lumber bee appraised in mony & not otherwise &
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the value thereof paid by the Gaurdians to the Orphans as
aforesaid, either in mony Sterl according to the Appraisemt or
in Tobacco att the then price Currant, & in Case any differ-
ence shall arise what shall bee the price Currant att the day of
paymt in the bond taken Limited, the Judges of the County
Court where the orphans Estate doth Lye, shall then determine
what shall bee the price Currant.
5: That euery Male orphan shall bee of full age to Receiue
his Estate from his Gaurdian att the age of one & Twenty
yeares & not before, but in Case any person by his Last Will
& Testament doe appoint any person to bee his Executor or
Executrix that is full Seauenteene yeares of age, that person
soe appointed shall bee adjudged of sufficient age to Admster
as Executor or Executrix & if such Executor or Executrix
happen to bee vnder the age of Seauenteene, the Admstracon
shall then bee Comitted to such other person as the Judge for
probate of Wills and granting Admstracons shall approue of
(durante minoritate) & to the Sole profitt vse & behoofe of
the Infant Executor or Executrix & not otherwise nor in any
other manner, And for as much as the Right to Admstracon
of the goods of persons Intestate may fall vpon psons vnder
the age of Seauenteene yeares, Itt is heereby declared, that as