Assembly Proceedings, August—September 1681. 197
the Latter Admr to bee Releiued agt them for such wasteing
& Imbazeling.
2: That the Judge vpon accot giuen by the ffirst Admr as
aforesaid shall make devision of the Cleare Estate of the
deceased after debts paid & funerall expences defrayed (that
is to say) shall allowe to the Widdow or Relict of the said
Intestate, (If any such bee) one full Third parte thereof, & the
other Two Thirds shall bee equally diuided betweene the Chil-
dren of the said deceased (if any such bee) & if noe such bee
then betweene the next of bloud of the Intestate, & after such
diuision made shall Transmitt the accot thereof to the Justices
of the seuerall and Respectiue County Courts, where the said
Estate shall bee and Remaine, who are by this Act appointed
authorized & enjoyned to putt the persons Lands goods &
Chatties of the Orphans into the handes of such persons as
they shall thinke fitt takeing bond with Two sufficient suretys
in the name of the orphans themselues for the secureing &
deliuery of the said estates to the said orphans or theire
Gaurdians when therevnto Lawfully Called according to the
Rules & direccons heereafter by this Act Subscribed estab-
lished & ordained & not otherwise, which Rules shall bee
Rules not only for the Justices of the County Courts to pro-
Liber W. H.
ceed by in takeing the accots of Gaurdians or Trustees for
orphans, butt alsoe for the Judge for probate of Wills & grant-
ing Admstracons in takeing the accots of Admrs & barr
Executors to the benifitt of others nor shall the Judge make
any other alloweances to any Admr or Admrs vpon his or
theire accots butt for debts (bona fide) oweing by the deceased,
& Really paid or secured to bee paid by the seuerall and
Respectiue Admstrators
Imprs Noe Negroes or other Slaues shall bee sold or dis-
posed of by any Admr for paymt of debts or otherwise,
Reserved for the Admrs owne vse in satisfaccon for any debts
due to the said Admr nor any execucon served vpon any
Negroes or other Slaues soe long as there shall be other
goods of the deceased, sufficient to satisfy the Just debts of
the deceased, butt shall bee kept vpon the hazzard of the
estate, and employed for the benifitt of the Creditors &
orphans (if any bee) dureing the ffirst yeare, att the end of
which the Admr is to accot for the estate & the profitt of such
Slaues shall bee Assetts, as to the Creditors & dividable be-
tweene the Wife Children or Relacons of the deceased, If there
bee noe Creditors
2: That noe accot bee alloweable for dyett Clothes Physicke
or Educacon to any Admr or Gaurdian to any orphan agt the
estate of the Intestate or agt the filiall parte of any Child
Comitted to any Gaurdian or other person intrusted by the
p. 169