196 Assembly Proceedings, August—September 1681.
Liber W. H.
force or heereafter to bee made, yor Lordshipps Two houses of
Assembly doe pray that itt may bee enacted, And bee itt
enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Propry of & with
the advice'& Assent of the vpper & Lower houses of this
prsent Genll Assembly & the Authority of the same that the
Judge or Comissary Genll for probate of Wills & granting
Admstracons shall hold his Court once in Two Months att the
Least or oftner as the Case shall Requier, Regard being had
to the distance of the Habitacons of the suitors in the said
Court, & the dispatch of fforreighners, who haue frequent occa-
sions to seeke Justice in the Court, for probate of Wills &
granting Admstracons, & before the Judge thereof, And for
as much as Certainety is the Mother of Repose, & that our
dependance vpon England obleigeth us to make all our Lawes
as neere as may bee Consonant to the Lawes of England, Bee
itt further enacted by the Authority advice & assent aforesaid
that the Judge for probate of Wills & granting Admstracons
within this province in all Causes Relateing to probate of
Wills and granting Admstracons shall proceed according to the
Lawes of England, now in force & heereafter to bee in force
p. 168
within Twelve Months after such Lawes shall bee published in
the Kingdome of England, If pleaded before him heere saue-
ing in such Cases as shall in this Act bee Limited or shall
heereafter bee Limited by Act of Assembly of this Province,
as utterly Impracticable in this Province. Provided always that
itt shall & may bee Lawfull for the Judge for probate of Wills
to proue any Last Will in this Province euen although itt Con-
cerne Title to Land any Law vseage or Custome of the King-
dome of England to the Contrary Notwithstanding, And to
the end that filiall porcons may bee secured to the Children of
all persons dyeing Intestate, & Legacys paid to Legatees of
persons who make Wills, Bee itt Likewise enacted ffirst that
the Judge for probate of Wills & granting Admstracons shall
Call all Executors & Admrs to accot for the Estates of all per-
sons deceased, within Twelue Months next after Adfnstracon
Comitted, & if any Admr shall faile to giue an Accot within
the time aforesaid being Lawfully thereunto Cited, that then
the said Judge shall Revoake the ffirst Letters of Admstracon
to such Admr Comitted & shall grant Admstracon (de bonis
non Admstratis) to some other person as in his discretion hee
shall thinke fitt, which said Admr anew appointed shall giue
security as all other Admrs doe & shall sue & Implead the
former Admr before the Judge aforesaid, for an accot of the
estate of the Intestate & in Case itt shall appeare to the Judge
aforesaid that the former Admr hath wasted or Imbezelled the
estate of the Intestate then the said Judge shall Assigne the
bond entred into by the former Admr and his securitys vnto