190 Assembly Proceedings, August—September 1681.
Liber W. H.
ants of the said County according to such Instruccons as hee
shall from time to time Receiue from the Lord Propry his Heires
& Successors or his or theire Ltt for the time being, Provided
alwayes that such Troopers shall Ride theire owne Horses, &
noe person shall bee a Trooper without hee bee owner of a
good Serviceable Horse which shall passe Muster, And that
such Troopers in Consideracon of theire greate pay heereafter
to bee allowed bee bound & obleiged to find themselues with
good able & sufficient ffurniture for theire Horses & Likewise
to find themselues with Swords Carbines Pistolls Holsters &
Amunicon, And if any Trooper shall neglect & Refuse vpon
notice giuen to them in manner as aforesaid to the foote to
appeare att Musters att the time & place aforesaid appointed
by each Respectiue County of Horse accoutred & equipped
as aforesaid shall forfeite & pay the Sume of one hundred
pounds of Tobacco to the Lord Propry to bee Leavied in manner
as aforesaid, for the vse of the Troope for Trumpett & Col-
lours & other neccessarys as the Cofnander shall thinke fitt,
And that such Troopers for & in Consideracon aforesaid att
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such times as they are out a Ranging shall find theire owne
Provisions, Butt when in actuall Service then to bee found Pro-
vision att the Charge of this Province to bee paid by the Pub-
licke, & if itt shall happen that any Troopers Horse bee
killed in the Service then the said Trooper to bee paid for the
said Horse by the publicke & not otherwise.
That all preists deligates Majestrates & Constables shall in
theire proper persons bee exempted from being Compelled to
Muster & Traineing either in Horse or foote dureing such
terme as they officiate or beare such office as aforesaid, Pro-
vided that this Clause shall not extend to such persons as all
ready haue or shall hereafter accept of Comissions for Millitary
Service from his Lopp the Lord Propry or his Ltt Genll for the
time being, soe as to discharge such persons from theire
Respectiue Charges menconed in such theire Seuerall &
Respectiue Comissions, Neither shall this Clause nor any parte
thereof bee Construed or taken to exempt any delegate
Majestrate or Constable as aforesaid from sending into the
feilds to Musters & Traineing either Horse or ffoote when &
as often as due notice or sumons shall to them bee giuen as
aforesaid some other person or persons in his or theire stead
& place, soe provided or equipped as aforesaid vpon forfeiture
as aforesaid, And bee itt enacted by the authority aforesaid,
that all negroes & Slaues whatsoeuer shall bee exempted the
duty of Traineing or any other Military service.—
That the pay for the officers & Souldiers of the foote &
Horse aforesaid bee noe other then is hereafter menconed,
& for noe Longer time then such officers & Souldiers shall