Assembly Proceedings, August— September 1681. 191
bee in actuall Service (to witt) to euery Major Genll being
Cheife Comander in the feild Three Thousand pounds of
Tobacco p month, to euery Coll of ffoote Two Thousand
pounds of Tobacco p month, To a Major of ffoote Twelve
hundred pounds of Tobacco p month, To a Capt of ffoote one
Thousand pounds of Tobacco p month, To a Ltt of ffoote
Seauen Hundred pounds of Tobacco p month, To an Ensigne
Six hundred pounds of Tobacco p Month, To a Sargeant ffour
Hundred pounds of Tobacco p month, To a Corporall ffour
hundred pounds of Tobacco p Month, To a drufner ffour hun-
dred pounds of Tobacco p month, And to euery Private
Souldier Three hundred pounds of Tobacco p month, And
that euery Coll of Horse haue Three & Twenty hundred
pounds of Tobacco p month, & that a Major of Horse haue
ffifteene hundred pounds of Tobacco p month And a Capt of
Horse bee allowed Thirteene hundred pounds of Tobacco p
month, To a Ltt of Horse one Thousand pounds of Tobacco p
Liber W. H.
month, To a Cornett Nine hundred pounds of Tobacco p
month, To a Quarter Master & Corporall each Seauen Hun-
dred pounds of Tobacco p month, To a Trumpeter Seauen
Hundred pounds of Tob p month, And to euery Priuate
Trooper Six hundred pounds of Tobacco p month, And that
all theise Rates & Alloweances for such officers & Souldiers
aforesaid shall bee allowed & paid and noe more & that the
Months before menconed bee accounted Computed & Reck-
oned, according to the Callender & not otherwise, And to the
intent that whensoeuer itt shall appeare to the Lord Propry or
his Ltt Genll or Cheife Gouernor or his said Ltt Genll or Cheife
Govr & Councell to bee neccessary to Raise forces for the sup-
pression of any foreine Invasion or domesticke Insurreccon or
Rebellion or any warr with any Indians, That the said officers
& Souldiers may bee duely paid according to the proporcons
aforesaid & all other Charges & expences for the Charge &
manageing such warr may bee duely paid & discharged with-
out which this Province cannott bee defended & secured, Bee
itt enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Propry by &
with the Advice & Consent of the vpper & Lower houses of
this p'sent Genll Assembly, And the Authority of the same,
That from henceforth all such neccessary Charges of such warr
& Souldiers pay as aforesaid shall bee paid discharged &
defrayed by a Publicke Leavy by an equall Assessemt vpon the
Taxables of this Province by Consent of the ffreemen of this
Province, by theire Representatiues & in a Generall Assembly
& noe otherwise whatsoever according to a Clause in an Act
entituled an Act of Gratitude to his Excellency Charles Cal-
vert Esqr Capt Genll of Maryland.
And to the intent that the Inhabitants of this Province may
p. 163