Assembly Proceedings, August—September 1681. 189
the Militia or Traine bands of this Province, which said persons
soe enlisted they shall Muster Excercise & Traine in & att
such places, & att such Certeine times as to them shall seeme
meete, or the service safety & defence of this Province shall
requier, or his Lordshipp the Lord Proprietary of this Province
his Heires & Successors or his or theire Ltt Genll or Cheife
Governor or Ltt Generall or Cheife Governor and Councell for
the time being shall see Cause to order.
That euery such Coll Major or Capt shall giue notice or
sumons vpon euery Traineing or Mustering to euery person
soe enlisted as aforesaid within his Respectiue division or
Limitts att the head of his Company or att the house of the
party, by an officer of his Company, or a warrt vnder his hand
to appeare att such time & place as hee shall appoint for such
Traineing or Mustering, & that if any man after such notice or
sumons giuen as aforesaid shall neglect or Refuse to appeare
att the time & place appointed as aforesaid, or that shall
Liber W. H.
Refuse when hee hath soe appeared to bee enlisted into the
Militia or Traineing bands as aforesaid, or that being soe
enlisted shall not from time to time as hee shall bee summoned
or warned as aforesaid appeare & bring with him, one good
serviceable fixed Gunn & Six Shootts of powder shall for
euery such offence, if a ffreeman forfeite & pay the sufne of
one hundred pounds of Tobacco to the Lord Propry & if a
Servt Letted or hindred by his Master, Mistresse or ouerseere
then such Master Mistresse or ouerseere to forfeite & pay the
Like sume of one hundred pounds of Tobacco for euery such
Servt for the vse of the foote Company to purchase drume &
Collours & other neccessarys for the Company, as the Comander
shall thinke fitt, where such default is made, Provided that this
Clause bee not to Countenance any officer or officers to presse
Armes or amunicon for any further expedicon or service then
Iraineing, but that vpon all such occasions they bee sup-
plied out of the County Magazeene or Store. All which for-
feiture & forfeitures shall by such Coll Major or Capt bee
Certifyed to the Comissionrs of the County Court, for such
County att the Court then next ensueing, who are hereby
authorized vpon such Certificate (noe sufficient excuse ap-
peareing to them) to Award execucon agt the goods &
Chatties of such person soe Refuseing, neglecting, or faileing
as aforesaid & that vpon occasion of all such Execucons all &
euery County Clerke & Sherriffe within this Province Respec-
tiuely, shall doe what pertaineth to theire offices without any
ffee or Reward.
And for the Setling of the Horse forces that each Capt of
Horse in each respectiue County shall for the makeing vpp his
Troope elect & enlist his number of men out of the Inhabit-
p. 161