Upper house September the 15th 1681.
Jn the Act concerning Negroes and Slaves if the Lower
house think fit to Impose a Penalty of ten thousand pounds of
Tobacco as well on the Master, Mistress, or Overseer of Such
Negroe or Slave as shall willingly or Wittingley forward,
Countenance or Consent to any Such Marriage, as upon the
Minister Priest or Justice that shall Join them together, and
will also rase out the Clause for Dissolution of any Such Mar-
riage if any shall (Notwithstanding all the Care and industry
that may be used) happen to be, which Lyes not within either
or both the two houses to Dissolve, This house are willing to
pass the Act.
Signed pr Order pr Iohn LLewellin Cl of Assembly—
The last Mentioned three Acts and Simon Prattlings Peti-
tion Sent to the Lower house pr Coll Lowe—
Upper house September the 15th 1681.
Considering the late Insolencies Outrages and Murders
Committed by the Northern Indians, and a Warr thereupon
likely to Ensue, This house desire to consult the Lower house
whether it may not be convenient to Protect and Preserve the
Pisscattaway and other Our friend Indians; it being a Matter
of Absolute Necessity in the Opinion of this house—
Signed pr Order pr Iohn LLewellin Cl of Assembly
Sent to the Lower house pr Col Stevens, He returns again
A Message from the Lower house pr Mr Hill and Capt
Sibrey Desiring an Answer those Papers that Lye in this house,
and are preparing an Answer to the Message pr Col Darnall
This house so Soon as they can have duely Considered them
will give them an Answer—
His Lordship finding the Business of the Country cannot
well be Dispatched at this time hath appointed a further Day
till Saturday next for a Day of Sessions—
House Adjourn till to Morrow
Upper house mett Sepr the 16th 1681
(The Chancellor
The honourable The Sur Genl Coll Darnall
Coll: Coursey Coll: Stevens j