U. H. Journal
Upper house September the 16th 1681 —
This house desire an Answer from the Lower house to the
Message Sent them from this house yesterday pr Coll: Darnall
to Ascertaine the payment of the Charges of a Warr, what
shall Amount to more then 300000ll of Tobacco Expressed in
the Act if any Such Overplus shall be—
Signed pr Order pr Iohn LLewellin Cl of Assembly
A Message from the Lower house by Mr Rousby, Capt
Ladd, Capt Brandt Capt Waterton Capt Tripp, & Mr Smith
being the Bill for Confirmation of the Laws of this Province &t
and that following Message therewith—
Lower house of Assembly 16th Sepr 1681
This house having all along Complyed with all the Equi-
table Desires of the Upper house During this Sessions of
Assembly, and Seconded all their other Answers and Votes
p. 348
with their reasons for which the Same were passed, which
They conceive themselves not Obliged to without great
Infringement of their Priviledges, and having formerly Sent
up among the rest one Bill Entituled an Act for Confirmation
of the Laws of this Province, in this and future Assemblys
which was seon returned with the Opinion of the Upper house
thereon, to which this house with Convenient Modesty and
Respect Sent an Answere, but that hath lain a long time and
still lyes in the Upper house, whereby this house knows nothing
of the Intention of the Upper house concerning the said Bill,
Have therefore once more sent up the said Bill desiring their
Assent to it, or that they would Send us Sufficient Answers to
Our reasons for the same, now in their house or other reason
more Solid and Demonstrative to the Contrary than We have
had hitherto from them, without which this house must needs
Confess themselves much Dissatisfied and Discontented;
which may Obstruct the Expediting the present Affairs now
before us—
Signed pr Order C Boteler Cl Asst of the Lower house of
Upper house 16th September 1681—
This house having read the Message from the Lower house
Sent with the Bill Entituled an Act for Confirmation of the
Laws of this Province &c, do say that the sending down the
said Bill again to the Lower house with the reasons why they
did not think fitt to pass it, was more then they were Bound to,
Since they might have rejected it without giving any reason
That it is against the Priviledge of this house to have the
Same Bill Obtruded upon them again the Same Sessions of