Upper house September the 15th 1681.
The Lower house are Desired to consider of this Petition—
Signed pr Order pr J LLewellin Cl of Assembly—
A Message from the Lower house pr Coll: Burgess and
Capt Trippe being an Act concerning Negroes and Slaves—
Upper house September the 15th—1681
This house upon reading the Act for payment of all Such
Charges as may arise this year 1681 &c. Do Say as it is Pos-
sible the Charges of Warr between this Day and the tenth of
November next may not arise to the Sum of three hundred
thousand pounds of Tobacco so it is possible they may Amount
to more, and that in Such case his Lordship may be Lyable to
pay the Overplus himself unless the two houses of Assembly
do join in a Vote to be left upon their respective Iournalls
which may Oblige them to pay the Overplus if any be for this
present Occasion The Clause in the Act for Ordering and
Regulating the Militia &c: leaving it in the Power of the Dele-
gates to Deny their consent to the Charges of Such Warr next
meeting, and therefore this house desire the Lower house to
Joyn with them in Such a Vote, and to permitt and Send it up,
The Upper house not being Willing to impose words upon the
Lower house—
Signed pr Order pr Iohn LLewellin Cl of Assembly
Sent to the Lower house pr Col Darnall—
Vansweringens Petition for Allowance for the Maintenance
of Iames Wilkinson being cast out of the Lower house, read
and thus Endorsed—
Upper house September the 15th 1681 —
Jf the Lower house of Assembly will not Consider of the
Petition so as to Order Some Allowance to be made thereupon
as the Petitioner himself hath Alleadged, this house without
them can think of no relief for the Petitioner
Signed pr Order pr Iohn LLewellin Cl of Assembly
The Act for the better Administration of Iustice in probat of
Wills &c: again read and Voted that a Clause be Added to the
latter End thus Vizt—
This Act to endure for three years or to the End of the next
General Assembly which shall first happen—
An Act restraining the Exportation of Leather &c: read and
passd thus Vizt
Upper house have Assented Sepr the 15th 1681 —
John LLewellin Cl of Assembly.