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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 170   View pdf image
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170 Assembly Proceedings, AugustSeptember 1681.

U. H. Journal

The Lower house have Assented
C Boteler Cl Assistant of the Lower house of Assembly—

Mr Rousby also from the Lower house desires the Answer of
this house to the Bill for Leather &c:
The Amendments of the Lower house on the Bill for the
Militia is thus Vizt

Lower house of Assembly September 13th 1681.
Amendments in the Law for Regulating the Militia and for
the better Security and Defence of the Province Vizt
Ist That the Clause left out in the new Law in the latter
No 2 being in the third Article in the old Book, be again put
in the New law—
2 That the third Clause in the New Act be as the fourth
Clause in the former Act without Alteration—
3 That the Clause at the end of the fifth Article in the new
Law be left out.
4 That the Penalty mentioned in the Sixth Article in the
new Law be made only 500ll of Tobacco a piece for Commis-
sioners Neglecting & Press Masters refusing
5 That in the Eighth Article of the New Act which is the
Ninth in the old Act be continued as it Now is
6 That the last Provisoe in the Eleventh Article in the New
Law which is the 12th in the old Law be left out, This house is
willing to pass the Act aforesd with the Amendments herein
Signed pr Order C Boteler Cl Assistant of the Lower

house of Assembly

Coll: Low is desired to go to the Lower house and know of
them what they Mean by their fifth Clause concerning the 8th
Article of the New and the 9th of the old Act to be continued
as it now is, whether it relates to the New or old Act
He returns and reports that those words (as it now is) hath
relation to the old Act which they would have Continued—

Upper house Sepr the 13th 1681
This house will Consent to all the Amendments in the Bill
for Ordering an Regulating the Militia &t Made by the Lower
house, Except,—

p. 342

1 They cannot consent to the leaving out the words in the
latter end of the fifth Article in the said Bill begining (we his
Lordships most humble Servants the Members &t because they
are the very Words of the Vote of the Lower house this very
Assembly and the only words that Sufficiently Assure his
Lordship of the Payment of the Charge of the Warr, neither

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 170   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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