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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 169   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, AugustSeptember 1681. 169

not Allowed as allso 294ll Tobacco Short Ordered him of what
was Allowed that Assembly—which Petition was thus En-
dorsed Vizt

Upper house September the 13th 1681
Let this go to the Committee of Accounts
Signed pr Order pr Iohn LLewellin Cl of Assembly—

By Mr Hill and Capt Sibrey brought to this house the Act
restraining the Exportation of Leather &t thus Endorsed Vizt

This house is willing to pass this Act leaving out the last
Clause for giving the Oath to the Master or Masters at the
Clearing their Ships or Vessels—
Signed pr Order
C Boteler Cl Assistant of the Lower house of Assembly

They desire the Answer of this house to the Bill concerning
Small Criminalls—Answer—
This house could not read it till their Committee comes in
from the Accounts for till then this house was not a full house—
Adjourn for two hours

After two hours Upper house mett according to

Present as before—

U. H. Journal

A Message from the Lower house by Mr Cheseldyne being
the Bill for the Militia with Some alterations according to their
Paper hereafter following, Desiring also an Answer to what
other Bills are in this house—
An Act for the better Administration of Iustice in Probat of
Wills &a read and passed this house in Manner following

September the 13th 1681 Upper house have Assented.
Iohn LLewellin Cl of Assembly

Sent to the Lower house by the Secretary who is to let them
know that according to the Vote of both houses last Sessions,
The Chancellor had drawn up the Law for Orphans Estates
with the Necessary Amendments which had passed this house
Then read the Paper of the Lower house for Amendment of
the Law for Regulating the Militia &t and the Act also read
with it—
A Message from the Lower house by Mr Rousby being an
Act for preventing Vexatious Suites at Law—

p. 341

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
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