doth these words Oblige the Magistrates &t to Serve beyond
the Intent of the last Law the Clause ending in Such Methods
and Proportions as by this Act is Limited and Provided—
2 If the Proprietary or his Lieut and Council have not Power
by this Act to pay the Pensions of Widows and Orphans of the
Slain Souldiers, by the words of the old Act, they cannot pay
one Single Widdow even out of the 50000ll of Tobacco they are
Impowered to Levy yearly, but must call an Assembly to do it,
or permitt her to Starve till an Assembly can be called.—
So as above this house are willing to pass the Act, and if the
Lower house think fitt they may Proceed to Ingrossing the
Signed pr Order pr J LLewellin Clk of Assembly—
The Act for Preventing Vexatious and unnecessary Suite at
Law read in this house and passed in Manner following Vizt
Upper house have Assented
J LLewellin Cl of Assembly—
Sent to the Lower house by Coll: Tailler who having Deliv-
ered the same—
The house Adjourns till to Morrow Nine a Clock—
Septemr the 14th 1681 Upper house Mett—
The Chancellor
The honourable The Sur Genl V Coll: Coursey
Coll: Tailler Coll: Stevens
A Petition of the Inhabitants of Kent County to have their
former Priviledges of Keeping Courts Electing Delegates &t
with an Addition of Easter Neck al Wickliffe to be made
thereunto read and thus Endorsed—
Upper house September the 14th 1681
The Consideration of this Petition is humbly referred to his
Lordship in whose Sole power the same lyeth—
Signed pr Order pr I LLewellin Clk of Assembly
A Petition preferred by Iacob Iohnson of St Maries County
having Married the Widdow of Hance Jordaine who was
killed at the Fort leaving his Wife big with Child in a Miser-
able Poor Condition who soon after was Delivered of two
Children the one whereof Dyed the other still living, Hance
Jordaine Died in Debt which the Petitioner hath paid and hath
ever Since Maintained the other Orphan by his own hard
Labour, and prays Consideration for what is Past & for the