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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 168   View pdf image
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168 Assembly Proceedings, AugustSeptember 1681.

U. H. Journal


Upper house mett September the 13th 1681

The Right Honourable the Lord Propry

The Chancellor The Sur General
The Honourable The Secretary Col Tailler—

Coll: Lowe goes to the Lower house with Severall Letters
and Papers relating to fresh Injuries done by the Indians in
Baltimore County and the head of Patuxent River and to let
them know that Captain Ninian Beale now in Town can give
them a further Relation of the Insolencies and Injuries done by
the said Indians/

p. 340

Proposed to this house whether upon the Oath of Chotickes
Wife and the Evidence of one Richard Mannaringe that came
from Virginia soon after the Murder was Committed it may
not be convenient to make Demand of the Young Kings Son
of Nanjattico who stands accused thereof—
Voted Nemine Contradicente that he be Demanded of the
Government of Virginia and that a Letter be prepared from
this Governmt to that purpose and Sent by the Secretary—
A Message from the Lower house by Mr Cheseldine being
to return the Letters and papers last Sent them by Col Lowe,
he also acquaints this house that they had Sett out a Com-
mittee to perfect the Law for the Militia—He returns again
A Message from the Lower house pr Capt Ladd Vizt/

Lower house of Assembly Sepr 12th 1681
On the Back of the Message of this house Yesterday con-
cerning Worn" Taxables
Jf the Upper house conceive it Necessary to make such a
Law, the Lower house desire them to Prepare a Bill for that
Purpose, and this house will take it into their Consideration,
not readily Conceiving how to Distinguish between Such as
work in the Ground and them that do not which last We
suppose is not intended—
Signed pr Order
C Boteler Cl Assistant of the Lower house of Assembly

Likewise the Bill in favour of Holdsworth, Signed the Lower
house have assented
C Boteler Cl Assistant of the Lower house of Assembly

Capt Ladd acquaints this house that Mr Painter cann make
appear that 10000ll of the Purchase Money is paid and that
the Major part of the Remainder is Attached in the hands of
the said Holdsworth pr Order of Court
Thomas Bankes Petition for 1248ll Tobacco to be Allowed
him for Ferrys according to Account last Assembly put in, but

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 168   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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