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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 165   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, AugustSeptember 1681. 165

any I must Declare such ought not to Lye at my Door that
have so often Sollicited you to Secure yourselves and those
you Represent; and if my Word may be taken it was for that
reason you were at this time called together
Your Loving friend C: Baltimore

To both Houses of Assembly

A Message from the Lower house pr Mr Cheseldyne to
inform this house that their house understands by this house
with the Committee for Defence of the Province must then
Adjourn whereby all Business between the two houses must
be Stopt, they Desire therefore that this house will first take
the Bills sent from the Lower house into their Consideration
so as to Send them the Result of this house thereunto—
For Answere he hath that some of the Members of this
house are already out upon the Committee of Accounts who
must upon reading any Bills be called in and so their Business
impeded, this house therefore desire to Expedite the Com-
mittee for Defence of the Province—He returns into the
Lower house—
House Adjourns till Monday Morning 9 a Clock—

Upper house mett September 12th 1681

The Chancellor
The Honourable The Secretary Coll: Coursey
The Sur General Coll: Taylor

Coll: Lowe in Obedience to his Lordships Commands goes
to the Lower house and tenders to the Speaker thereof a Letter
from Coll: Chandler concerning the Indians to be Communi-
cated to the whole house and then returned again to his Lord-
ship, which having done he returns again into this house—
They will Send the Paper by a Member of their own Mr
Cheseldyne brings Coll: Chandlers Letter and desires to know

U. H. Journal

whether the Members of this house appointed for the Com-
mittee of Accounts are ready—
He is Answered the Law for Regulating the Militia &t is
now drawn up and shall be read first in this house—
A Message from the Lower house by Mr Hatton and Mr
Waterton being for the return of St Maries County Writt,
which is Delivered them and they return—
Coll: Stevens Enters—
The Law for Ordering the Militia read and passed this
Coll: Coursey and Coll: Stevens go to the Committee of

p. 338

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 165   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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