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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 164   View pdf image
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164 Assembly Proceedings, AugustSeptember 1681.

U. H. Journal

Present Warr with the aforesaid Indians, this house doth
humbly Offer and promise to Assist Your Lordship with their
Persons and Estates in the Prosecution of the said Warr and
shall be willing to Satisfie all the Necessary Charges thereof
in Such Methods and Proportions as are in the present Act for
the Safty and Defence of the Province which this house is
willing to revive Nothing Doubting but your Lordship will
take Such Due Care in the Management of the said Warr, (if
any Such be) that by any unnecessary and Exorbitant Charges
thereof it may not become more Oppressive Greivous and
Burthensome to the poor People of this Province, than the fre-
quent Robberies and Spoils that are and may be Committed
upon the Inhabitants by the aforesaid Northern Indians
Signed pr Order C Boteler Cl Asst of the Lower
house of Assemly

They likewise at the Same time brought with them Several
Letters and papers which had been Communicated to them for
his Lordship concerning the Indians—

Upper house September the 10th 1681.
Jn regard the Lower house have Resolved upon the
reviving the last Law for the Ordering and Regulating the
Militia of this Province this house desire the Lower house to
Send the Committee for Defence of the Province to Expedite
that affair—
Signed pr Order pr J LLewellin Cl of Assembly.

p. 337

Sent to the Lower house pr the Secretary together with Major
Boarmans Petition which the Secretary hath in Charge to tell
them they may Consider of at their Leisure=he returns—
Amongst those Papers brought last pr Coll: Burges &t was
his Lordships Letter Ordered to be Entered in this Iournall

10th September 1681
This is the third time I have been Alarmed, as also the third
time I now advise you thereof, the Condition of Charles
County is Somewhat Desperate: and how Soon other Counties
may feel the Same you may easily Guess, No Persons in their
right Witts and Senses will any longer take Such for their
friends as Daily Robb and Committ all manner of Insolencies
on their Persons Nor can any Man think it Safe to bear such
any Longer; By a Warr agt those Northern Indians somewhat
may be Saved; but if no Speedy Course be taken, the Estates
will first be theirs and then Our lives will be next at their
Mercies, I wish no Murders have already been Committed if

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 164   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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