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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 166   View pdf image
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166 Assembly Proceedings, AugustSeptember 1681.

U. H. Journal

Accounts Mr Rousby and Captain Sibrey comes from the
Lower house with Lesliers papers and desire to See the Con-
tract between Governor Notely and Mr Leslier upon Coll:
Courseys Negotiation—
This house knows nothing of it they return
Mr Rousby, Captain Smith, and Mr Hynson come from the
Lower house and desire the Answer of this house to the Sev-
erall Bills Sent up which this house promised should be this
Day done—
Answered that if the Lower house will call in their Com-
mittees and Send up the Members of their house appointed
for a Committee to Draw up a Law for Defence of the Prov-
ince, this house after they had done with that would proceed
to the reading the other Bills and remitt them down to the
Lower house with the Opinion of this house thereon
They return—
The Vote of a Member of this house September the 9th fol
57 concerning Women Servants to become Taxables again
Moved and Voted that the Same be Sent to the Lower house

Upper house September the 12th 1681
Whereas Divers and very Many the House keepers Inhab-
iting within this Province do frequently Purchase Women Ser-
vants and Employ them to work in the Ground on purpose
to be Exempted from paying Levys by which Means the
Levys are more Burdensome to the Province in Generl than
otherwise they would be, this house do therefore desire the
Lower House to Prepare a Law providing that all Women
Servants working in the Ground for the future shall be
Accounted and taken for Taxables, within this Province—
Signed pr Order pr John LLewellin Cl of Assembly—

Mr Chesildyne and Mr Hill from the Lower house desire the
Answer of this house to their Bills, which have been Some
Eleven Days in this House, When the Members from the
Committee to make up a full house this house will read
The Act for preventing Vexatious Suits at Law, thus under-
written Vizt

This house desire the Concurrence of the Upper house—
Signed pr Order C Boteler Cl Asst of the Lower house of

Which Act was also thus Endorsed Vizt

p. 339

Upper house September the 12th 1681—
This house understands not the Meaning of the Lower

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 166   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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