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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 163   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, AugustSeptember 1681. 163

A Message from the Lower house pr Mr Hill and Mr Gardner
being a Petition of Major Boaremans for redress to be made
him towards his Loss Sustained by Captain Quigleys Escape
for Default of a Prison or place of Security for which he paid
450" Sterling, Returned back to the Lower house pr Mr Hill
and Mr Gardner, Jacob Lesliers Papers and Kent & Charles
County Petitions against Jngrossers also Ioseph Norwoods
Petition for better Allowance to be made him for being Master
of the Generals Sloop Six weeks at the Eastern Shoare for
which they had Allowed him only 400ll of Tobacco which
Petition was thus Endorsed Vizt

Upper house September the 10th 1681 —
Referred to the Consideration of the Lower house
John Lewellin Cl of Assembly.

Major Boaremans Petition read and thus Endorsed Vizt

Upper house Sept the 10th 1681.
The Consideration of this Petition is refferred to the Lower
Signed pr Order John LLewellin Cl of Assembly.

U. H. Journal

A Message from the Lower house pr Coll: Burges, Mr
Cheseldyne, M Rousby and Captain Brandt Vizt

The Lower house September the 10th 1681
This house having received Severall Commands from Your
Lordship to take into Our Speedy Debate the great Dangers
that threaten this Province by the Incursions and Daily Rob-
beries of the Northern Indians, and to Advise Your Lordship
for the Common Safety & Security and having taken all the
Arguments thereof into Our Long and Serious Deliberation
Do offer this as Our humble Answer & Advice to Your
That we humbly thank your Lordship for your great Con-
descention in Adviseing with your Freemen in a Matter of that
Nature and of so great an Importance—
That Your Lordship being the best Iudge of Persons and
things We humbly Submitt Our Selves to Your great Wisdom
and Prudence—Humbly Desiring Your Lordship to take this
present great Affair of the aforesaid Northern Indians (in
makeing either Peace or Warr with them as to your Lordship
shall Seem most Convenient) into Your Sole Conduct and
And that if Your Lordship Shall be pleased (upon these
Grounds and reasons Exhibited to this house) to Enter into a

p. 336

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 163   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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