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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 162   View pdf image
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162 Assembly Proceedings, AugustSeptember 1681.

U. H. Journal

The Chancellor Signifies to this house that his Lordship had
Commanded him to acquaint this house that on Thursday
next his Lordship intended to conclude this Sessions and that
Notice thereof be given to the Lower house

Upper house Septemr 10th 1681
His Lordship the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary
hath Commanded the Honourable the Chancellor to Signifie
both to this and the Lower house that his Lordship intends
Thursday next for the Day of Sessions, The Enemy pressing
so Boldly upon us. that there is now no further time left for

p. 335

Signed pr Order J LLewellin Cl of Assembly

His Lordship Enters the house and Declares in Person that
he intends Thursday next for the Day of Sessions,—
The Chancellor with Col Coursey and Col Stevens go to
the Lower House to Signifie the Same to them as also to carry
to them Coll: Courseys & Coll: Stevens Negotiation with the
Northern Indians upon their own Propositions thereby to
Notify how the same have been Observed by the said Indians,
as also to read to them his Lordships Message to both houses—
The Chancellor Coll: Coursey and Coll: Stevens return
again the Chancellr Signifying that he had desired the
Speaker of the Lower house so Soon as he had read his Lord-
ships Message in their house and Caused the Same to be
Entered in their Journal that they would remitt the Same to
this house to be Entered in this Journal—
A Petition and Several other Papers relating to Iacob Leslier
Transmitted to the Lower house for their perusall & Consid-
eration thus Endorsed

Upper house Sept the 10th 1681.
The Lower house are Desired to peruse and take into their
Consideration these Papers of Mr Lesliers and to do therein
what to Equity and Justice Appertained!—
Signed pr Order pr J LLewellin Cl of Assembly

Read in this house a Petition from the Inhabitants of Kent
County against Ingrossers forestalled &c. also one from the
Inhabitants of Charles County concerning the Same which
were both referred to the Lower house by this Endorsment on
back of the Charles County Petition—

Upper house September the 10th 1681
Two Petitions Vizt one from Charles County the other from
Kent Coty against Ingrossers &t read and referred to the Con-
sideration of the Lower house
Signed pr Order J LLewellin Cl of Assembly—

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 162   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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