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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 161   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, AugustSeptember 1681. 161

of the Message thereupon Sent us, This house doth not Con-
ceive wherein the Danger (Intimated in the said Message)
Consists, if the Upper house mean it Dangerous for his Lord-
ship (as the best Construction of the Words Seem to Import)
it Seems an Infringement of his Lordships Due Rights and
Priviledges Granted him by his Charter, wherein his Lordship
hath an Ample and Large Power by Consent of the Freemen
of this Province to make Laws that shall be good and Valid under
Such particular Limitations and Restrictions therein Expressed—

U. H. Journal

Jf they meane that is Dangerous for their Honours to Ioin
with the Lower house in Requesting his Lordships Assent to
the said Act, the Sense (without any force or Violence offered
to the Word) Seems to infringe the Priviledges of both houses
of Assembly; as if they might not (without a great Deal of
Danger) present their Equitable and lust Desires to his Lord-
ship and includes a Tacite Accusation of this house in pre-
paring of a Bill for his Lordship or Upper house of Assembly
or both to Consent to, But how Dangerous soever it may
Appear to the Upper house to have or Desire his Lordships
Consent to the said Bill this house conceive it not Safe nor
reasonable for this house to proceed to the Making or Con-
Senting to any other Acts or Bills without it—
As to the Presidents of Ireland (for we put it before Vir-
ginia) or Virginia or Pensilvania this house conceives them
not proper Precedents for this Country being by his Lord-
ships said Charter Constituted into a Province were the
Information true their Honours alledge—
As to the last part of the Answer, which the Upper house
intended for Satisfaction to this house, This house doth Answer
that Nothing can or ought to be Satisfactory to us, or the Free-
men of this Province (whom we Represent) unless we are
Ascertained of the Validity force and Continuance of the Laws
of this Province under which we live, and from whence we
Expect protection and Safety and to the Enacting of which we
have been and Still are Lyable to So much Trouble & Expence
Signed pr Order of the Lower house
C Boteler Cl Assistant of the Lower house of Assembly

The Debate of all which referred till Another time the
Committee being ready to Meet and—
This house Adjourns for two hours—
Mett again and Adjourn till to Morrow Morning 9 a Clock.

September the 10th 1681 Upper house mett

p. 334

The Honble

The Chancellor
The Secretary
The Sur Genl

Coll Coursey
Col Tailler
Col Stevens

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 161   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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