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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 160   View pdf image
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160 Assembly Proceedings, August —September 1681.

U. H. Journal

p. 333

A Message from the Lower house by Mr Cheseldyne who
acquaints this house that their Members Committees are ready
to Wait on the House he likewise brought these following
Bills Vizt The Act for Confirming the Title of a Parcell of Land
in Calvert County in Samuel Holdsworth and his heirs against
Edward Husbands and his heirs for ever thus Endorsed Vizt

Lower house of Assembly Sepr the 8th 1681 —
The Grounds and reasons that induced the Lower House
to pass this Bill were Such as therein Expressed and in the
Affidavits herewith Sent to the Upper house, and because the
within Named Edward Husbands is fled out of this Province
so that Holdsworth is remediless both in Law and Equity unless
he be Assisted this way which they leave to the Consideration
of the Upper House— Signed pr Order
pr C Boteler Cl Assistant of the Lower house of Assembly

An Act Restraining the Exportation of Leather &c: thus
Endorsed Viz

Lower house of Assembly Sepr 8th 1681 :
This house conceives that the great Disparity of Hides in
Goodness will not Admitt of any certain Rate to be putt upon
them and therefore cannot reasonably lay any Such Injunction
as is Desired by the Upper House But this house do Believe
that this Act will much Augment the Number of Tanners
within this Province whereby the Price of Hides will be much
Advanced to the Profitt of the Owners that way, besides that it
will Conduce much to the Supply of the Inhabitants—
Signed pr Order C Boteler Cl Assistant of the Lower
house of Assembly

Also the following Message Vizt 7th Day of September 1681.
This house doth Conceive the Upper house Mistaken in the
Act for Confirmation of Laws Sent them Yesterday by this
As to the first part thereof this house never Questions but
takes it for Undoubted that a Law made by both houses and
Assented to by his Lordship cannot be repealed but by Con-
sent of both Houses—
But the desire of this house for the Upper houses Concur-
rence is (as by the Preamble and Sense of the former part of
the Act may appear) that all Laws made the last Session of
Assembly (which they hold and Conceive still in force) may
not be repealed, Abrogated, Made Void or Disassented to
without the Consent of this house—
As to the Second part of the said Act and the Second part

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 160   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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